
And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry.

It’s disgusting to say, but we’re humans, we don’t give a flying shit about anything but our selfish selves. Someday we will pollute the air we breathe to the point that it kills us, we will pollute the water supply to the point it poisions us, we will completely deforest the planet killing everything in its path.

Patrick Warburton plays these types of parts perfectly. I wouldn’t mind seeing a remake of Sledge hammer TV show with him playing the part.

Those who do not remember the past are condemned to revise it.

And I just won a free Xbox!

And you’re so attractive because you make $400 a day working from home!

Thank god there are still hot singles in my area that want to fuck me now.

I feel like Lambert’s Café needs to change its name to "Ow Bon Pain" after this incident.

But my server is god! Ruler over my entire domain! I shall call him Domain Controller.

Goddammit, now I have to fortify my uranium refining centrifuge plant. Mondays are the fucking worst.

I was stupid, didn’t follow instructions, didn’t install the bracket, it falls over.

Star wars + Oculus + Unreal Engine 4

Not really a forest fire, moreso a brush fire. It’s all chaparral there.

Remember they days not parking the head of your hard drive was terrifying? Man...i feel so old today.

“How do I pull up old Steam chat logs?”

Keyboard jockey high five!

I cannot like this comment enough. Blue and purple LocTite live in my toolbox. Red LocTite is in a tupperware container above it that says "FOR USE ONLY AT CATHOLIC WEDDINGS."

Blue locTite is your friend. Red LocTite is like the ex you can't get rid of.

Aw, experiment failed. There doesn't seem to be any way to keep the light on for more than several minutes without babysitting it. Anyway, my guestimation is that a 20 min walk would put about a 30-40% dent in my 2yr-old mid-range phone (Xperia Ion). Obviously a real flashlight would have advantages, but as "the