
I recall someone credible once saying that if you aren’t willing to immediately pull the trigger on your 14 year old nephew if he is an immediate threat to your life, then you shouldn’t have a gun, as your hesitation means that he could take it away from you and kill you with it. In essence, as a gun is intended

Seriously? Did you not see at 3:09 where the two husky guys start to slide around behind the officer with the guy on the left putting his left hand back behind his waistband? Damn right, the cop is going to pull a gun, if he thinks that someone might be pulling his own!

Don't you mean "Bloodbath and Beyond?" :grin:

We should have one in the Canadian Northwest Territories. We can call it "Freezing Man". :-P

...and yet so many otherwise intelligent people can still manage to say quite definitively “There is no God.” As someone who has been studying... well... EVERYTHING for all of his life, I find this hubris being taught rather offensive. Could there be a being (possibly extra-dimensional) that we can’t detect that

Let’s see...

Personally, I want to blow a car *precisely* in half, horizontally, with a great big linear shaped charge!

Alcoholics/Narcotics Anonymous, Celebrate Recovery, etc. will put you in with a group of people that are going through the same things as you, so you won’t feel so alone. Understanding where addictions come from can *really* help find your particular root; once that has been dealt with, most addictions are *FAR*

Let’s see... disconnect the brakes, and pin the throttle at any point. Oh, those crazy kids and their pranks!

You can also to Thai by adding a tablespoon each of peanut butter and sweet chili sauce. Yum!

I can both see where he was going with his film, and why someone wants to make it a full movie, but the fundamental flaw of a walking, talking computer not having enough intelligence to look up the needed information on the internet completely breaks what he was trying to do. A simple set change would have created the

...except this is a forest fire, and any birds are miles away and accelerating. Even then, they will tend to avoid any giant Vitamix flying in the area. Also, drones can be difficult to fly by amateurs at the best of times; add in the updrafts at the edges of a fire, and it could very well be catapulted into a

My response to my kids (and others) when they say “It was an accident!”: “You may not have meant for it to happen, but you didn’t do enough to prevent it happening, either. You still have responsibility for it.”

...and imagine the BBQ cred you’ll earn with ten labeled squirt bottles of ketchups placed in front of your guests!

The biggest problem with a ‘fan community’ is there is no quality control for ‘suggestions’, which this article makes it clear that the game portrays. Those speaking the loudest often don’t understand the cost in time/effort/money of what they are asking for, nor can list any credible source concerning if it is

That’s dev heaven right there! Scene view in the middle, IDE + game view on the left, and code + browser on the right. :sniff: So. Beautiful!

...and if you play it backwards, the South wins. :grin:

Over 2,000 fine products of our modern education system. #falconfacepalm

That’s pretty much a paraphrase of Isaiah 1:24-27; instead of destroying your enemy, destroy what *makes* him your enemy.