
...and now Michael Bay has an idea for yet another Transformers movie. Thank you sooooo much, Sploid!

The problem that many people have, including myself, is not that vaccinations in general aren't safe, but that some of the ones that are available now can have drastic side effects. For example, my oldest son ended up in the hospital with seizures within an hour and a half after getting one when he was around three,

Castle Siege is the first game that I put on every device. Simple rules, easy to follow, and OH so satisfying when I pound the enemy's castle into the ground.

The special Canadian release had the stats for a 'Unimoose'. :grin:

Oriental fast food, Mythbusters style!


That's all well and good, but smooth metal clipped to a smooth surface is problematic in the real world where things are always getting bumped or tugged. If there was a silicone sleeve for grip and protection, then it would be worth the price.

We do need one thing, though: streaming throttled to 200% of viewing/listening speed. That is enough to deal with hiccups, yet doesn't suck back unnecessary bandwidth. Torrents should be throttled, too, generally, but streaming is what is using up a HUGE amount of bandwidth.

Do you have a credible source for that statement? :grin:

For more thought-provoking questions, check out Randall Munroe's 'What If'.

I find myself wondering why it wasn't attached to a restraining order...

I don't recall what my first one was, but this is the earliest one that I recall:

Only in 'Murica, my friend, which also invented things like 'bad' as good, and 'cool' as positively interesting.

One thing that hasn't been mentioned is biology. Men, in general, are far more aggressive over the long term than women, and have more raw physical strength. Aggression itself isn't a bad thing, as it is needed to drive us to survive, if nothing else, but, when combined with greed, arrogance, immaturity, and fear,

Here's another explanation: While I'm not up on the canon of an artificial universe, if the method used to cross great distances involved 'folding space', then he could have been bragging that his hyperspace engines could fold space better than most ships' engine could. (Thank you, M. L'Engle!)

I agree. I only have blood-rare burgers when I grind it myself just before cooking it. That being said, I also buy whole primals and let them sit in my fridge for at least two weeks before cutting into them, each time only taking what I need for that meal. After a month or so, the meat for those last few meals is

This article came along at the perfect time. I'm taking an Arduino course, and was wondering what a good, practical project would be.

Better idea: If you step on a bird, you get flocked by dozens of them, who steal all of your weapons and money. :evilgrin:

It would have been highly appropriate to end with 'Virgin Galactic. We'll take you there."