
We forget that W campaigned on “compassionate conservative” as a buzzword during his initial election bid. That doesn’t mean we agree or he had good ideas, but that at the very least pre-9/11 his rhetoric and actions were very much based on trying to do good things for people (and we all know his ideas don’t work

I think the difference is the respect for the institutions of government and of the American people. GWB had bad policy that tanked the economy and got us into unwinnable, destabilizing, unjustifiable wars. But he at least respected the office of the Presidency, the humanity of Muslims and immigrants, and while he

I don’t revel in her misery at all. But I have no sympathy for her when she still continues to say she’s black and has no intention of being white again. This seems like a warning sign for mental illness, or maybe just absolute stupidity.

It’s not just what she did but how she did it. The way she speaks about race and Blackness is gross to me as a Black woman, activist, and Black Studies scholar. Unlike traditional disciplines Black Studies is lived, it’s personal. It’s a discipline that is always being undermined and questioned. She brought shame to

I take no joy in this. Despise the woman but I do feel for her children who never asked for this.


“I didn’t even know there were Viking cats,” Harvard Medical School population geneticist Pontus Skoglund told Nature.

I used to tell myself, “They just don’t know how bad it is. When people know, things will be different.” I can’t tell myself that lie anymore, and the truth that it reveals—that there is a substantial group of white people in this country that just don’t really care about black people—is heartbreaking. I’m so sorry

Tf2 more than battlefield. Tf2 did the random automatic sayings talking about what was going on in the battlefield, automatically chatting to other characters in context, mentioning things like sentries, etc. It promoted teamwork and objective based play. All that almost 10 years ago and still going strong and even