
In eastern europe it was one of the warmest winters in several years

I think the purpose of this to make it hard to the enemy to determine a size of the ship

This tower in Moscow desperately needs to be turned into a house. It used to be a way out for a hot air from scientific nuclear reactor stopped several years ago, and even before that (at late 80-s) it became useless since this hot air was used for heating system.

Boeng X-37B looks cool, though it's very small

In English the verbs in present are already simplified almost absolutely, 'to be' is just an exception. For example 'i go, you go, they go, we go, she goes', in this situation in most of languages there will be different verb forms in all 5 cases.

I absolutely hate different video in different countries, it is now in games, animation and movies.

What the hell?

Myself completely, my relatives were so ignorant that they could not explain even simple things, for example how u-bahn trains get power without overhead lines or are the ducks of different color different species or male/female. So even before school-age i learned that it is better to find out everything myself, not

I think despite the first map shows, Rome is very popular destination for today tourists as well.

Better serials like 'True Detective' have ended with unconvincing final, i did not expect better then this. In some early episodes they say, they do not want to kill all, just some people. Perhaps their intention is to spread virus secretly, and after some time to bring cure to the world making Ilaria heroes.

I did not saw 'Dracula' yet, and though I have heard its bad, I still believe it is not that bad. Because 'Helix' is such pathetic bullshit, I'm not sure that i'll watch last five episodes.

The only good thing in zombies is that they are very easy to film using human actors with a little make up.

Werner von Siemens initially proposed this system for Berlin, but they decided to go with conventional trains for U-bahn, so Siemens company build this in Wuppertal

There were serious plans in building urban-rail system with central station on Red squire in Moscow. Such projects appeared both before and after revolution, including Berlin-type system build by Siemens.

And Soviet Russia of the same time is not far away at all.

You can not believe how many abandoned buildings, towers and cranes are in Russia, some abandoned buildings with cranes can stand untouched by workers for several years in front of you eyes, so at one point you just want to see city from the top

Actually 'Tzar Cannon' was never intended to be used as weapon, only as decoration, unlike all other items in this list.

Unnamed aliens ('parahumans') from 'Gods themselves' by Isaac Asimov are definitely best in all sci-fi.

It is worth to mention, that LOTR was never published in USSR, only heavily cutted first book.