
There are photos of two different "Mayakovskaya" stations - Moscow above and Spb below.

Ludwig II did actually a wise thing to let Bismark rule the whole Germany, otherwise there might be more wars involving Bavaria

In my opinion it is post WWII effect, 1997 and 2007 minus 60 years (life time in Russia) means 1937 and 1947, and not much children was born between this dates, and after 1947 as well, since population reduced significantly.

Can confirm this - in Moscow people usually are very late to bed and to rise comparing to the Europe

Christiania is actually former military barracks occupied by hobbos, who sell drugs. Dannish police raids it occasionally.

It is just remake of his own short story, written long ago before Westeros

Poor cat lives in Russia, should be happy at least it has no high heels, on asphalt like this

It is worth to mention that this is an adaptation of the novel Foam of the Days (1946), by Boris Vian. So some elements are rooted at the time when the novel was created, notably woman rights and black servant, actually it is kind of joke that the black man is attorney.

They have took over eastern over already, but their dominance did not last long, by some reason.

Eventually Helena's nitrogen tank explained (Orphan Black)

Slither is a very good movie, very nice to see it's director having a chance with big project (Guardians of Galaxy)

more common way to die at russia or at least get blind - methanol drinking

Estonia is no worse than Canada in my opinion, the only problem in Estonia is a number of russian non-citizens

OMG i've seen now this dancer gif for the first time and its absolutely grate! Though some notes in related article seems annecessary, the real key here is the shadows. Shadow of one foot appears only on half-circle and it is key to switching perception - one just need to imagine is near or far half-circle.

the first one 'Shock wave of nuclear explosion causes fires' has a good point

prison for 14 years is definitely to harsh

i believe they should study alpha-Centauri system as hard as possible, really interesting if there is habitable planets