
But if the police stop “helping” Black Americans, who will refuse to search when our women go missing? Who will attack us and kill us for no reason? Who will escalate minor inconveniences into life or death situations? Who will ignore countless robberies? Who will not investigate cases of rape? Who will shrug their

White guy here RE: #7. I have an beautiful adopted black daughter. My wife and I are white bread white (I mean she can dance her ass off but I can’t clap on rythem so really it cancels out.)

Your younger sister is Gangster. Under threat of maternal ass-whoopin, she held her tongue and didn’t snitch. I tip my hat to your younger sister. Shame on your older sister for letting all ya’ll catch that smoke (and dem paws) for her bad acts.  Your younger sis can be my Co-D any day.  Of course the presumption in

To the assholes in the greys still living with mom we know the bulk of you don’t have the balls to say 1/10th of the shit you talk on here to someone’s face

On Wednesday, District Attorney Lynneice Washington said she respected the findings of the grand jury in bringing the charge against Jones, but she was dropping the charge in the “interest of justice.”

It appears his cheese has completely slipped off his hamberder.

This is just what prosecutors do. They are incapable of ever admitting to mistakes, let alone actual malfeasance. Something about the job causes them to believe they are infallible white knights defending society from criminal hordes and therefore anything they do is by definition okay.

This is a fight for Georgia to fight, not for people that can’t vote on any of it.
And calling those companies to put their females employee at risk just because the people of Georgia can’t vote for shit is just dumb.

Let’s say you own a house. Let’s say your kids shit all over the floors and fingerpaint the walls, and

Sorry, I can’t agree with this. The only thing these kind of people seem to understand is dollars and sometimes you have to take it away from them.  Why should they profit when they’re trying to control and punish over half the population?

Yea, I very much like Stacey Abrams, and I agree with her on 99% of issues, have donated to her in the past and will throw my support behind any office she wants to run for in the future, but I think she is wrong about this one.

Usually I agree with S.A but #StayAndFight seems like a bad idea. That's like not wanting to boycott a Trump hotel because the workers there would be affected. If the film industry wasn't important to the state they wouldn't have given so many write offs. 

yeah, NOPE. As far as I’m concerned, Georgia is #1 on my list of places NEVER to even have a layover, let alone travel to, anytime until these laws are off the books for good. I can’t afford to get stuck there and put in prison for being an abortion provider.  I even have a uterus, too!  Double whammy.  I have family

Counterpoint: they voted these assholes into office, so actions have consequences.

I think it is hard to blame companies for not wanting to send their female employees to Georgia. What if, god forbid, one of their pregnant employees miscarries, and these dolts refuse to do an abortion because the fetus “might still be viable”? Or their employee gets charged with murder for miscarrying? Gets raped

While I sympathize with the fact that boycotts will hurt Georgians who didn’t vote for this shit, it’s a sad fact that this is the only sort of thing (other than getting their asses voted out) that hurts Republicans where they care about - their bank accounts. I have extended family in the state, and they’re the exact