
I expect nothing less from a state which re elects a lipless sadist known as Mitch McConnell over and over.

Honestly, who the fuck cares who gets credit for a program that betters other people’s lives? They want to start calling it Romneycare again? Fucking good, maybe they will do something the fix the problems that do exist in the system.

I’m guessing (I don’t know the La La Land dudes) that the bald fellow who broke the news over the mic was the above-mentioned Jordan Horowitz?

I’ve never seen him before but I admire how he was serious as a heart attack about this. He wasn’t having any jokes, he was not putting up with any confusion, and he fucking

What’s with the “Marcus Rubinstein” statement?

I’m just here to high five this article. And you!

Durr what is this fake news why is there so much Trump in Gizmodo you snowflakes need to get used to it he’s president now you guys never posted this much about Obama her emails are still worse than everything I love Russia.

(On this one thing) I am on your side, Melania; dont do any of the First Lady bullshit if you dont want to. First Ladyisnt a paid position, so I dont see why she should be expected to do a whole bunch of work.

Clear eyes, full hearts, don’t rape!

Newsflash !Everyone isn’t Western or White or even in the United States when they read this website.

Canadian here. I take Canadian drugs all the time, and they’re super dangerous. The last one I took had a knife in it and now I’m dead.

15 seconds

I’m torn between my belief in freedom of expression and my sheer annoyance towards a certain type of vegan.

And if the Republicants have their way, we’ll be back in those times very soon. That’s where they want to drag us back to.

As a pregnant person with a sound mind, here’s what I think (and I read the whole damn thread):

So this is pointless.

They have to leave because they are tempting poor men with their womanly figures and seductive fear.

Make America Grift Again

Another one.

Seems like a good way to reduce the chances of this happening again while accommodating people on hunting trips, etc.