
Exactly. I own guns and have always been in favor of gun control. Hell, I don’t even mind of the government wants to take specific guns that I own away if they deem them too dangerous, so long as they pay me just compensation for it. Responsible gun owners should have no problem with gun regulations. Edit - forgot to

He is also totally down with capital punishment too so....

Is it wrong that I really really hate that dress? In a way that I’ve lost some measure of respect for her? God I feel shallow

Guys. Guys! Guyssssss. It’s not like she was (whispers) a caramel latte if you know what I mean....she um.....I mean everyone should follow the law, but it’s not like she (whispers) was a chocolate chip brownie if you know what I mean. People make mistakes! All that paperwork! But it not like she was (in a loud

Even if he was an affirmative action admission all it would prove is that affirmative action kicks ass and is worth the investment, because we got Barack Freaking Obama out of it.

That's when we know that the Constitution works. When we acknowledge the constitutional rights of a little shit like this.

I hate it when racist murdering assholes make me agree with them.

And the name Brit. WTF is that? He should change it to American Hume. We won the Revolution damn it!

He’s a 2/10. Would NOT bang with a fleshlight duct taped to my thigh.

We invited people over to watch the DNC’s last night. Most of them are already on Hillary’s side either from the beginning or when Bernie no longer had the delegates. However, some of them can’t vote so don’t care either way (being a white immigrant gives you that privilege) and some have never voted but are mildly

Watching CNN and PBS. Commentators are saying it was not the greatest speech, but she hit a few stong points that were memorable like attackingTrump’s temperament and his claim last week that he “alone can fix America.” They are basically saying she is no Obama in terms of his soaring rhetoric.

I’m not going to say I cried but I also didn’t not cry.

Coworker of the cosplayer; I saw the whole thing go down. So perhaps I can clarify a few things I’ve seen brought up in other comments:

Well as a Jew, all I can say is that it’s amusing to me that people are acting all surprised that people on the left would resort to anti-semitism. You have no idea how many times people on the left have decided I’m some fanatical Israeli supporter ready to kill the first Arab I meet just because I’m a Jew.

You get NDAs from everybody. EVERYBODY. Hot dog guy, dude who changes light bulbs, EVERYBODY. Because you never know what someone is going to see or hear.


The Shrek movie perfectly sums up Donald Trump:

You do not want to look that up.

So, let me get this straight... Chachi can call Hillary a “cunt” but bare shoulders and dark jeans is beyond the pale. Got it. I think if the RNC is going to focus on decorum, it ought to be doing it across the board, starting with it’s high profile members. (For the record, I am fine with professional dress

To find the Women Vote Trump, “the official home for women who support Donald Trump,” we went to a beautiful mall in downtown Cleveland