Yes, I will defend any woman from having to be called demeaning names - like the litany you just spewed. With no regard as to her politics.
Yes, I will defend any woman from having to be called demeaning names - like the litany you just spewed. With no regard as to her politics.
I did not say they were right. I said they felt they were correct. The same way as now, we feel that we are correct and they are wrong.
I do not think she was correct in calling out sexism. However, I am calling out a panel of only men challenging her. This has become a tiresome and common sight. All men challenging whether something is sexist. The same way all men have been deciding (and constricting) women’s reproductive rights.
You are correct on the history and I am not denying it. I am very aware of the actual history and can see a couple of parallels in the populist message (which Sanders also touted). In fact, I am trying to point it out. Can that happen again? Probably. Will it happen here? Most likely not.
Thank you for being polite. I forgot to put that in my first reply.
I must respectfully disagree. Humans are humans. All 7 billion plus of us, regardless of all other factors. Some humans are good and some are bad. They are not less human for it. It is distinctions like parsing “what is a human,” that is at the base of racism, misogyny and the other ills of our society.
Sorry, but I will not abide any woman being called bitch and any person being called a Nazi over a political difference.
What I see is that some of what President Obama campaigned on was read as socialism by the right. And some of his plans were seen as constricting of rights by conservatives. Were they dumb lies or are you just calling those you disagree with dumb.
No, it does not. All hymns are equal their politics may differ, but all people are people. There are no “lesser humans.” That is the thinking of a bigot.
Feel free to call her an asshole. Again, I did not defend her politics. I objected to bitch and Nazi.
I cannot because it does not exist and you know that. And that display by Trump supporters was disgusting. However, Conway did not arrange that nor did she countenance it.
If you want to have a conversation, then stop shouting insults.
Actually, if you listened to the right, their justification for “Nazi” was the same as the left’s is now. They feared their rights being taken away. Wrongly, but nonetheless they had that fear. Now we have that fear. Are we wrong or right? I have no idea. Based on what he has said there is much room for concern. But…
Your gender is irrelevant. What is relevant is your anger, hate and irrationality. Anyone that persists in shouting “Nazi” over a political difference is sad. Remember that we just spent 8 years listening to the right call Obama and everyone near him a Nazi and cringing. 8 years of conservatives insulting the First…
No, it is not. While many - including me - disagree with her politics, that does not make her less of a woman and less entitled to the same rights as a man. The simple fact that you resorted to not one, but two crass insults - bitch and the ever overused and inappropriate Nazi - tells me that you have a problem with…
I could gone the rest of my life and afterlife and reincarnation and the rest of that life ad infinitum without hearing about him or his penis.
Which completely explains Rick “Voldemort” Scott and Marco Rubio here in the Dumbshine State.
Yes, for a while. Then it was running slow. I got a little concerned.
With that level of donations, they should name something after him - like a gender neutral restroom.