
As much as I dislike Mike Pence, I feel bad for him today.

Are the robot’s instruments cold or room temp?

“This year, the clocks fall back an hour on Sunday, November 6, meaning everyone gets a much-needed extra 60 minutes of sleep when 2 a.m. becomes 1 a.m.”

“intersection of High and Congress”

Oh, also selling these shirts to pay for the therapy I am going to need after this clusterfuck of an election. Floridiot Shirts

Binge watching anything funny, Sam Bee and mother weed.

“Wayne Allyn Root is many things”

On the NFL scale of bad things that they ignore, this is the equivalent of parking poorly.

“The baby is about two-thirds already born in the birth canal,”

Things like this just reaffirm my general disdain for most of humanity.

Definitely not Lady Gaga. Kanye is unequaled in other genders and species for sheer ego and arrogance. He makes Shatner look like a rank amateur.

I love this story! Thank you Annie and Ceci.

We are so going to miss him.

We’re going to miss them.

Just be careful. Those things lead to Kansas! Misogynists, rednecks and brownbacks. Oh, my!

That is so Bob Dylan.

Is Mike Pence aware that one of his campaign’s top surrogates cannot use half of the public restrooms in his state?

It is correct. The firearm was a Bushmaster AR15. Bushmaster is owned by Remington/Freedom Group. AR-15 in indeed a registered mark of Colt, but - much like “Kleenex” facial tissues- is also the generic name for that style of rifle.

“I’m not going to do anything illegal. I’m going to make them a little bit nervous.”