Maybe I’m just projecting nostalgia, but I got a real kick out of the Ugly 70's Futurism look of the Imperial settings.
Maybe I’m just projecting nostalgia, but I got a real kick out of the Ugly 70's Futurism look of the Imperial settings.
There were so many fleeting references in episode 4 (whereas the first 3 barely had any) that I was frankly a little surprised and I know most of them went over even my geeky head.
The Mandalorian isn’t terrible, per se, but I always thought it was pretty mediocre and was deeply unambitious with its storytelling, crafting exceedingly simplistic stories with barely-there characterizations.
Yeah but I think it’s a good kind of fan service where if you know you know, but otherwise it’s unimportant and spoken without any gravitas. There’s no musical cues or pausing for the audience to understand that this is a thing they should recognize. It comes off much more like just world building rather than fan…
It’s funny that I am really, really enjoying the mundane day-to-day of the Star Wars universe as depicted in Andor. Like, the boarding announcements at the Coruscant port, the Imperial mid-level staff meetings (“Can’t we do these by holo??”), the delegation of Imperial authority to the Corporate Security forces and…
They’re just normal, plain, old Hebridean sheep!
I’ve been rapt with every episode, kind of surprised how refreshingly non-fan servicy it is.
Rogue One was a mess on a tonal and construction level, an example of a Star Wars property afraid to go really, truly dark and morally dubious...
Dear god, I was getting some serious Arnold J. Rimmer vibes from that dude!
I enjoyed it more than I expected. It didn’t rely on an overuse of callbacks, easter eggs, nor pandering while still managing to keep all the trappings of Star Wars.
I had to laugh at Karn’s earnestness mixed with utter incompetence. Your boss directly orders you to ‘drop it’ and instead you bank a ton of overtime…
“Rhaenyra and Laenor’s coded conversation about their sexual preferences (“roast duck” versus “roast goose”) feels like a Westerosi homage to the Schitt’s Creek scene in which David Rose uses wine varietals as a metaphor for pansexuality.”
Wonder if that’s why she stole something, too.
He’s as scared of dinosaurs as he is stairs.
I hope Trump does for combovers what Hitler did for that mustache.
“Dr. Dre! Great to meet you! We’re all big fans of your name and how many people recognize you!”
or, like, people with children? people with familial bonds and healthy emotional relationships? People who don’t post stupid fucking comments on nerd blogs?
People say that there are no guarantees in life except death and taxes. “Your favorite celebrity saying something that makes you question why you ever liked them in the first place” could also be added to that list.