
$300k, where did you get that number? That's the annual salary for the in-house lawyer in charge.


no, I shouldn't.

Great point about waivers...

WTF? In a world where we sue for every little thing, why would this company allow this video to be posted??? Clearly she has evidence should she be injured or traumatized...

Wow, the kooks and their "WiFi is roasting our brains" theory are gonna party on these!

That is an awesome deal for a server with backup and maintenance. Is that in the US? Would love to jump on that.

So where you are hosting your FTP server doesn't charge you for the server, cpu, storage OR bandwidth? Sweet deal! Where can I get me some of this unlimited stuff?

How about a friggin' Weber, some oakwood charcoal and you're good...

We like to be on our high horse(s). It forces you to look up to us (and we to look down on you).

I want to go to there.

Dude! Thanks for sharing that. Seriously, I am now a big MovieBob fan. Very educational and just the kind of weird crap trivia I love.

This has a risk of turning comic books into bad japanese anime.

"...but there's no reason for me to ever pay for a drawing app."

When the fuck did cops not cuff a person when they arrested them? Not cuffing that guy while he was transported was an extremely nice gesture by that officer.

Agreed. Also maybe would be nice for Jesus to use "too high" instead of "to high"

It really points to regional shifts in extreme weather. Last year the Northeast of the US was miserable in many feet of snow that never melted for months. This year that shifted over to Europe, next year it will shift somewhere else including possible right back to the Northeast. People freak when weather goes through

are you in a location with no shipping from Apple or places to by the iPad2 32 gb for $499?

Quick clean up of your post. Hopefully I'm getting your intention through the translation: