
Oh, sorry, I think you responded to the wrong person. I’m definitely not Jesus.

So I see The Concourse has taken the Gawker approach to comments they disagree with... keep them silent and in the greys so people have to click “Show Pending” to read any comment that doesn’t follow the narrative. Ya know, for a bunch of NYC millennials who argue for free speech all of the goddamn time, you all have

No they aren’t - the vast majority of deaths of black males are unsolved because the community is to scared to tell the police who did it. But yeah, police should definitely have the same mindset entering those communities as any other.

I think they showed up prepared for a riot based on the night before, when they rioted and looted a walmart, burnt cop cars, and sent 12 cops the the hospital.

Right, but that’s not what they asked so that’s not what I answered.

Patrick why not show the whole story?

Or how about these idiots?

These people came for the social justice, right?

I think it’s more defined when idiots break into places such as the Hornets team store, the NASCAR hall of fame, and multiple stores downtown to steal merchandise and money. Maybe look at one other site beside this liberal echo chamber that you exist in.

Maybe he’s just trying to win football games since that is his fucking job. His job is not to be the voice of social change and justice.

Open carry is not the same as brandishing. Open carry allows you to holster a weapon on your hip or chest straps. It’s still illegal to pull the gun out and brandish it when you’re approached by a COP.

Please take your logic and reason with you as you leave.

Wow no doubt whatsoever, huh? So you were there?

You do understand the difference between having a gun on your hip (open carry) and holding a gun in your hand when you’re confronted by a police officer, right? Like, I know from your other posts that you’re a bit of a dipshit, but you do understand that, correct?

Stop trying to be logical and make sense... this is a Gawker site after all.

Do you understand how funny it is that you’re worried if Trump is elected that he might, in your words, “change how you enforce the law”? You mean, a president might actually look at the laws that Congress has passed and actually enact them and act on them???!?!?

I’m not sure I follow on how mass deportations of ILLEGAL immigrants is a constitutional right being violated...

Are you still sure?

I mean this is her campaign manager admitting that they are the ones that sent the image of him in Muslim garb to Drudge.

Oh please, Clinton was on Kimmel a couple of weeks ago opening a fucking pickle jar.