
That was pretty much one of the only A+ scenes in TD's second season. Oh, if only it was a story about Colin Farrell and Rachel McAdams being saddled with a case and none of the other garbage. Those two had good love/hate chemistry, unlike the rest of the cast who were either miscast or given dialogue more wooden than

You bring in a bigger writing staff and try to get them to plot out a storyline together. That will at least minimize Carter's say.

As a fan of quality cable/streaming dramas currently on tv, I'd put Kingdom behind The Americans, Better Call Saul, Fargo, American Crime Story, Black Sails, Mr. Robot, The Expanse, The Magicians, Rectify, unReal, and Penny Dreadful. So, yes, I believe giving every episode of late an "A" is inflation. AVClub, even if

It'd be terrible writing, but hilarious nonetheless, if Krystal ended up being the puppet master. I guess she's playing dumb just to toy with everyone.

I found three of them. Search over.

I guess the question is if those voters will vote at all if they have to choose between Clinton and Trump.

The review didn't do itself any favors by not elaborating how the show deviates from its pre-Trump/Sanders literary roots. How does the show represent the current political moment when it seems to follow Martin's vision so closely? Game of Thrones is based on historical political struggles, so perhaps the takeaway

I guess all this thread needed was a little arch humor.

And, yet, the ratings plummeting on ABC would suggest the mouth breather approach hasn't been working. I guess dumbing it down is all the dumb ABC execs can muster.

I loved Battlestar to the bitter end. How can that opening arc on New Caprica rival season 4 of Community for ineptitude? Harmon made that show and his absence was like an anvil crushing an especially feeble ant.

Fuller shows typically go 2-3 seasons, so let's bank on him being free in three years to do more Hannibal.

The Declan plotline reminds me of the successes and failures of Buffy season 6. *spoilers ahead* In that season, the group resurrects Buffy and splinters when her typical leadership is absent due to a mix of ennui and physical and emotion abuse by Spike. Things get out of control and little of that has to do with the

True and if Rocksteady felt they had run out of good boss battles, they really needed to replace them with something better than Bat Tank battles.

Even without booze, Lip is an alcoholic the same way Sean said that a junkie is a junkie even when he's not using. Lip is destructive and leans on substances — even cigarettes, as when he lit up in lecture — to make it through the day. With his family background and dna, Lip is highly susceptible to becoming just like

If he formed a new band with a new name, would there still be that same level of pressure?

Good call. I was just watching it and laughed at the guy's name being Bruno.

I'm glad he is open to exploring whatever subject matter interests him. It's also refreshing to see that people want Louis C.K. to play different parts as opposed to typecasting him as any one character.

Every show seems to have that entitled brat of a character. The Path just happened to name her Joy… oh what irony.

I hope the show starts doing Mad Men style promos with people uttering one word. Throw in clips from media of the era to further confuse us. I want to be surprised, dammit!

I guess the question becomes "Where does a cult end and organized religion begin?" At its worst, organized religion behaves much like a cult; at their best, can "cults" function as small religious circles with a positive benefit to their members? I only ask because cults get such scorn, while organized religion is