What the other guy said. When you set it to test that frequently you are killing the router CPU every time. Just set it to test once a day and you’ll be fine. Also turning of DPI will make every connection faster but you loose out on the info.
What the other guy said. When you set it to test that frequently you are killing the router CPU every time. Just set it to test once a day and you’ll be fine. Also turning of DPI will make every connection faster but you loose out on the info.
Sometime I wish I had your job, today is one of those days.
Damn your thinking is twisted. If no one sold the cars you think GM or Ford would produce them. No one eats if the salesman doesnt do his job. A farmer doesnt eat if he doesnt sell his crop. If a company cant sell their product then they stop making it. The salesman one of the most important parts of most…
Of old people.
Late fucked a car is an industry term for dealing with an huge douche where you make a little change to his vehicle which will cost him some headache later in ownership. Most likely they went in and drilled a really tiny hole in your oxygen sensor or purge valve insuring it goes out in a within a year or two.
Fuck you asshat. Car dealerships were hiring in 08 after the baby boomers bankrupted the country and bush set us right into a nice recession. What was I supposed to do with my shinny new college degree? Not work? All the places youever ever gotten a car from laughed at you after you left cus your bullshit ass thought…
I sold car for about 4 years then went and talked to Tesla here in STL about selling for them. I laughed my way out of the ‘dealership’ almost immediately. Not only was the HR department a disaster, they told me my pay would round out to about 25/hr after all my bonuses(which they couldnt really say how). My base pay…
Shep, You should have mentioned the Venture ONE car as well with no annual fee and 1.25 miles per card as a great alternative to the Venture card for people whom dont spend a ton and dont like annual fees. They offer a 20000 miles bonus after only spending 1k in the first 3 months. They also offer a contactless card…
Shep, You should have mentioned the Venture ONE car as well with no annual fee and 1.25 miles per card as a great…
I called capital one recently and they switched me to a venture one card instantly. I did lose out on the bonus 50k miles as i was not opening a new account but at least now im getting miles as before i was getting nothing. Also this OP is also confusing Venture ONE and Venture rewards. They are not the same. Venture…
I called capital one recently and they switched me to a venture one card instantly. I did lose out on the bonus 50k…
Its live now! Basically only legendary drops and a ton more loot. Everyone gets a SCAR!!!!
Can we just get Solid gold 50v50 v2 and lock it in forever. Solid gold should at least be a permanent game mode.
Wait till the DOCIS 3.1 comes out...?
Wait till the DOCIS 3.1 comes out...?
Most dont cover purposefully putting your care in harms way. This wont be covered. Like people whom park their car downtown during a riot.
Shep really needs update his best router pick. Im pretty sure every nerd on this blog has switched to a mesh system.
Shep really needs update his best router pick. Im pretty sure every nerd on this blog has switched to a mesh system.
LP12 for the win.
My soon to be wife falls into this category. She hated Hillary and thought trump was different. She has since come to the light and is actually pretty embarrassed she ever liked him. I will say shes basically shut up about it to avoid any talking(which annoys me cus how is not talking about politics a new thing) but…
Im about to marry a girl whom voted for the guy. Thank god she regrets the decision but wholly shit her entire reasoning was that she just hated Hillary that much. She didnt love trump but thought he was not like the rest and has had enough with being PC for PCs sake.
Long live iRiver.
Long live iRiver.
When I first zoomed I really had to ask myself if i had just never hit a button to do that at first.