
Piffle. I’m 65 years old and never thought of any comparison between Muhammad Ali and Rocky. And in none of the conversations both before going to college and after getting there was any reference to following in Ali’s footsteps. There was anger at him because, for anyone who had no intention of running to Canada or

Man, the lengths people will go to to defend Jahlil. Yeah, he’s 19, but he’s been in loads of actual, douchebaggy trouble in a very small timeframe. All the “HOW CAN YOU JUDGE HIM HE’S JUST A BABY” stuff is so paternalistic. I mean... when I was 19 I was sobbing when I got a 20-over speeding ticket because it cost me

Meanwhile Tom Brady is over here chowing down on some Honey Bunches of GOAT, SO SUCK IT PATS HATERZ!@!

Okafor: Holy crap, is this going to be an 81 point situation?

I actually agree that Top 10 is too high. I was afraid that if I wrote Top 15 (where I think he actually belongs) it would start a different discussion that I didn’t want to have.

Of course there is next to no chance the “value” matches the dollars spent. The alternative, however, is giving up Betts and/or Bogaerts for someone like Sale/Gray, adding another hole. I’m a Red Sox fan, and i like it. Would 7/175 be fine? Then i don’t care about the extra money coming out of Henry’s pockets. They’re

Based on the text of the Accords quoted above, it seems like he has a pretty good reason to refuse to sign. I mean, you look at that wording, and then you think about what happened in The Winter Soldier, and you logically say “Uh.... no way in hell.”

Uh.....Stroman is the replacement for Price, Happ is more the replacement for Buehrle.

I always got the impression that it wasn’t just Ortiz, but the entire organization and pretty much the whole city of Boston that he hated.

I thought bringing him back would be tough. Never thought it would be “biggest pitcher contract ever” tough. That’s just stupid money.

I seriously cannot fathom the intestinal fortitude required to stand in the pocket and throw a pass knowing full well that a player roughly the size of a bulldozer is about to drive your unprotected anatomy straight into the frozen Cleveland tundra.