Keepin it real

And FYI, since you are to lazy to do your own research before spreading false info. It was the LEFT WING MOB that started the protest against Slayer being on the car. #FACTSMATTER Stop spreading lies, and stop being part of the problem you bigoted racist left wing pederass 

Educate yourself you left wing anti America fool. You do know 99.9% of NASCAR is pro Slayer? Didnt think so. Your bigotry and hatred for anything not programmed into your head from the radical left is strong. You just bash NASCAR because it doesnt fit your narrative of everyone on the right is a racist! #FACTSMATTER

And thank God. We dont need NASCAR fans to be as ignorant as those brainwashed leftists who dont know jack

Gabe is a pederass, so ignore his lack of knowledge on the subject

And FYI, since you are to lazy to do your own research before spreading false info. It was the LEFT WING MOB that started the protest against Slayer being on the car. #FACTSMATTER Stop spreading lies, and stop being part of the problem you bigoted racist 

Educate yourself you left wing anti America fool. You do know 99.9% of NASCAR is pro Slayer? Didnt think so. Your bigotry and hatred for anything not programmed into your head from the radical left is strong. You just bash NASCAR because it doesnt fit your narrative of everyone on the right is a racist! #FACTSMATTER