
“Stupid shit” vs the law? This streamer culture is all bullshit and there’s going to be a recession at some point in the near future and we will have a generation of idiots who don’t know how to do anything except play games on “stream” and beg for money. 

If it’s any consolation to anyone I’ll describe it like this; looks like a barbie when you bend the knees forward.  

McCringleberry, why don’t you stop acting like a knowitall and stop spreading inaccurate facts. Stick to eating hotdogs and making perverted gestures in your post-touchdown celebrations! You’re a disgrace to the league!

It has no reason to exist. I’m drinking it right now though. Come on with this nonsense.

I’ve been enjoying this game since it came out and I have to say the production level is just astounding. I don’t think any fighting game has had anywhere close to this level of polish and touch of detail.

This seems to be much more than dedication. More like something psychological anomaly. I can’t imagine doing anything every single day for a year far less ten years. A gift nonetheless.

Mario Kart 8 is a good game, but is it selling solely because it’s a good game? Is the fact that a brand new popular console is out and it’s the second big quality title to come out on it after a month a factor? Because I would say it is.

Its not a marathon or a sprint. The PS4 has been out since Feb 2014. Saturation factor is a thing. It’s like all these idiotic “News” stories about how iPhone sales are finally declining. Yeah, maybe because the vast majority of people who want one may already have one? Gee wiz I wonder why this console that has

You would think with the Wii and WiiU falling off as it did would try to make Nintendo distance themselves from that style as much as possible but nope. This looks very and sounds very Wii. I’m curious to see how this plays out because this system has indicators of WiiU all over again. Also those flat ass tiny ass

I don’t even understand why this is even a thing. Who cares? I’m a beta-day one Destiny player and I’ve never cared about who was the first to finish the raid. When did this “World’s first” even become a thing? This is a waste of bandwidth. This streamer shit is just out of control. I guess I should be grateful

Batman was absolutely phenomenal within the experience that it is. Some things being left out like the lack of interaction with the Penguin for example just seemed odd but just being in Gotham City and the final sequence is superb.