
Ricky Velezis probably the biggest reason I dropped this show.

Ricky Velez sucks.

But it has to be funny to enough people at 11:30 when its on a network called “Comedy Central”.

I liked The Nightly Show a lot at first. Then Larry Wilmore had Mike Tyson on and kissed his ass so hard. Fuck that. I couldn’t look at him the same way afterward and I never watched another episode.

I gave it six months which is plenty given it did four episodes a week. But it wasn’t funny. And it was trying to hard to be cool. Not so much edgy but, “Look, kids, we are hip. We know the lingo.” And it just wasn’t.

I actually liked Wilmore on screen, I just thought the writing wasn’t great and the correspondents were worse. Hopefully he can find a new project soon.

I am so BUMMED OUT BY THIS! I have never really like Trevor Noah (I think I continue to hold his misogynistic tweets against him) and the Nightly Show was so refreshing, so funny, and had just incredibly diverse opinions. This is a real shame!

I tried, I really did, but I just didn’t find Larry Wilmore that funny. The Colbert/Stewart reunion the other day served to underline just what we’ve lost this election cycle; maybe it’s not fair to compare, but Wilmore just isn’t in the same league as those guys.

Sam Bee is, though. Can we have a nightly show with

I always feel bad when someone shows me a snippet of the show, because he seems sweet... But, Is it awful that I just don’t think he’s funny?

What the fuck is wrong with people? She hasn’t been sour, she’s been serious. It’s a serious endeavor. She’s a THREE-TIME gold medalist in TWO Olympics. What the fuck have any of you done?

People are really ridiculous and need to leave her alone. You don’t have to put your hand over your heart for the anthem and God forbid she not be jumping and screaming.

Spinster, though? What is this? 1920?

If your kale has a bad year you don’t go fucking bankrupt and lose your home and farm! Let’s not even get in to water rights, or keeping cattle alive in 110 degree heat, or citrus loss in a January cold snap, or raisins getting water logged in an October Thunderstorm. Let’s not talk about all the shit that can happen

Fuck both of these people - here’s some real news:

A general, state-wide outlook that pregnancy is this minimally invasive, non-life threatening condition that is no big deal for women to go through might lead to ignorance of all the things that can (and DO) go wrong.

Slightly OT, but what is it with adults asking for hugs? Why is this a thing? In my experience, only men have asked me for hugs and in professional settings. Once a male coworker and I were chatting and he asked for a hug when the conversation ended. I said absolutely not. WTF. You are not my child, my parent, my

yep. been doing this when I was a teenager. all the basic chemical tests are like 10 minutes out of my day in a easy teenager job.

When I was 17 I was a lifeguard at the local YMCA and had to take ph readings every 3 hours and log them...which makes me wonder how it took them so long to figure out that the ph was off.

So I manage a hotel with a swimming pool. As mentioned, alkalinity is a stabilizer the prevents pH from wildly swinging up or down the spectrum. In turn that allows the chlorine to work as intended. It takes about 30 seconds to test a swimming pool’s total alkalinity. And that is using the most basic, primitive

The first parameter you bound is hardness. When that is in spec, you bound alkalinity. When that is in spec you adjust pH. When pH is OK, then you control Cl¯.