
There’s always one... If that black woman proved over and over again that she couldn’t rap, it’s entirely possible they would have told her to pursue a career in pop. Not to mention the fact that if that black Australian woman tried to launch a country music career by appropriating Southern culture, she would face a

All through this article producers and directors are trying to get her to go pop instead of hip-hop, and when she finally does try to do hip-hop everyone holds it against her that she is white.

CNN reports that Tito Catota, 38, Parmenio I. Perez, 40, and Michael Papagni, 32, have been charged with forcibly assaulting, impeding, intimidating and interfering with two male officers.

Not dying in your forties.

Maybe they like the mental and physical feel-good benefits?

For some of us, in all seriousness, even more important than looking good at the club is getting rid of extra energy that could be used strangling fools or getting into other trouble. Then when you start doing those things AT the gym, it’s time for an even more structured environment.

How is it a narrative? You cannot hope to argue that Black people are on equal footing with White people in America when you examine the available data objectively.

You sound like someone in need of a good “life hack”, if you know what I mean ;)

There’s a whole wing of versions not even mentioned in here, like double strap ons and, double penetrating strap ons and strapless strap ons.

According to David Duke, we Jews are not white.

Why aren’t the NRA folks rioting over this? A responsible gun owner did everything you’re supposed to do but was killed.


“For some reason, this issue of smallpox has become a paramount issue for the Natives.” Colonist Pence, 1616

“For some reason, this issue of icebergs has become a paramount issue for the passengers.” Captain Pence, 1912

The police officer’s parents are already in the media trying to spin him as a “good father” and a “family man”, never mind that he’s divorced and has two children born within 12 days of each other by two different women.


Waiting for those assholes who were just sooo sure the cops were telling the truth, who claimed that OF COURSE these Black teenagers were drunk and breaking the law and tried to run the cops over. OF COURSE this cop wasn’t lying. If these kids weren’t doing anything wrong, they wouldn’t have been shot. Because the

That’s exactly how I feel whenever someone suggests going to a sporting event.
(Blow-darting myself aside; I’d rather do it the old fashioned way, because I don’t have a roadie to help me out like Stevie Nicks did...)