
Frederick Douglass died in 1895.

Also: he talks about Fredrick Fucking Douglass the way you would talk about the teenaged manager at the Quik-E-Mart. “Oh yea, Jonathan is doing an amazing job. Really great. Always makes sure the Slurpee machine gets refilled. Really excellent.”

Maybe he saw the Thomas Jefferson vs Fredrick Douglas Epic Rap Battles Of History video and got confused.

“We look to have a great relationship with all countries, ideally, unfortunately that won’t necessarily happen, unfortunately probably won’t happen with many countries, but if we could have as we do with Prime Minister May, and the relationship we’ve all developed, and even the short relationship that we’ve just

It’s not their objective to make it “more difficult.” Their objective is to make it literally impossible.

She has the wrong skin color for a harsher sentence.

So I’ll be the bonkers person and say that I come from a family of blonde haired, blue eyed, fair skinned people who are all Black, thanks to the one drop rule. I’m browner because of my father, but my family is pretty adamantly Black. I understand that everyone wants to be fascinated with MJ and his changing face,

I’ve fallen into enough comment sections on this very point to know the answer is an emphatic yes (Genes do strange things, Joe Jackson had blue eyes, etc.). And whatever the truth is, I understand why Paris would want to believe it — it’s not like she has anybody else stepping up to parent her.

Remember Jael Strauss from ANTM? She’s biracial (her mom is Black).

Quite a crowd from this angle too.

I mean, he has a point. In this shot it does look pretty crowded.

Yes, and they look like the American Life painting and are a nuclear family. A dig at his racists supporters who think we all come from single parent homes and don’t represent the traditional American family.

“63rd black American woman to ever earn a PhD in physics”

I can guarantee you there are more than 63 freaking African Americans who are capable of earning this if they had the money, social encouragement, and drive.

100% his thought process was “who is this guy. He’s from Atlanta? Isn’t that the inner city? Must be tons of blacks and crime!”