
i appreciate your comments, and i just want to say it sucks how polarizing AA is, from both sides. i feel like AA stands so firmly on the “we are absolutely right” platform that when it doesnt work people become bitter towards it/talk shit on it. i wish more people could be like “AA works for me, but it obviously

I agree with your points re. how other people perceive one’s drinking habits. But, I wonder if one of the letter writer’s anxieties is their own perception of their drinking. Most people who drink, do so because they enjoy the effects. At least, it starts out that way, then later it becomes an habit and a problem, or

About the paralysis around do-I-quit-or-do-I-not. You spend so much time worrying about what other people are going to think. What are they going to think of me, how is it going to look, when I’m the only one at this fancy fundraiser/wine tasting/birthday party/whatever with a seltzer instead of a glass of wine in my

Este Haim approves.

I played pit in a top 12 drum corps, ran neck and neck with Boston for a lot of that season, too.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you CRUSH your application video for a band scholarship.

I like her. She is really into it. Not half-assing it. Full ass. I dig it.

Melissa’s dress? I really like it!

He always made like 30 extra outfits and accessories in is Project Runway days. He’s a darling overachiever.