Gleep Glop

Now why are you dragging the good name of Richard Christie into this? All he wants to do is make phone calls and wear a diaper at concerts so he doesn’t miss anything.

Christmas in Solitary

“I’m here to bring the gravitas!”

The soldier who kills Mellish isn’t actually the freed prisoner (who shoots Miller). They just look similar.

In a film full of grim episodes, the sequence of taking the machine-gun nest is incredibly hard to watch. Apart from the fact I really don’t understand why Jackson isn’t also in the rear sniping with his sniper rifle (to the military buffs, is there an actual tactical reason for this?) ... watching Wade screaming for

As is de rigour with just about every Spielberg film, if he were to excise the last ten minutes, it’d be perfect. But no... He has to get the schmaltz in.

I want him to be the Morgan Spurlock of cults. Just joining them and documenting it until his wife pulls his dumb ass out of the thing. 

You gotta hand it to his parents, they named him well. I wasn’t at all surprised to hear about his work on What the Bleep and involvement in Ramtha. I got the sense if it wasn’t some cult he’d just get cleaned out by a phone scammer.

But...the volleyball.

Dinesh is the adult form of the high school classmate that leaned into being the unlikeable cunt.

*drops coffee mug*

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing Dinesh D’Souza he had charisma.

I’m considering buying it, but only as a joke.

very nice 

Wood carvings, or nothing.

I mean, the camera is ON the phone? Am I supposed to print off a copy and leave it in my safe deposit box?


Absolutely true, I have Strange Brew on right now.

Ted Cruz.  ROUS

Ah, yes, the not-remotely-political movie about a perpetual cycle of violence and vengeance and a rigid class system from which the only escape for the lower class is a) joining the military, b) becoming a mercenary or c) having great tits.