
Yep, Nina was also pretty young when they started dating. She always answers questions about their breakup very gracefully and generously. Just as I, a non-celebrity, do when questioned about romances that have ended to my great relief.

Nina Dobrev pours herself a glass of wine and sit at the table with a thud, “Glad I dodged that bullet.” She downs the whole glass.

* stunned into silence by this response *

Yeah, I mean - my husband occasionally takes stealth video of me but it’s always something funny and lighthearted that he thinks is cute (like, he has video of me watching Braveheart with the most absurd expression of terror on my face saying ‘oh no the horses’ during a battle scene b/c I was afraid the horses were

Yeah this is completely fucked.

I was ticking them off in my head.

I’m starting to think there’s a reason he was so good at playing a rapist vampire.

Does Somerhalder assume people will find this story charming because he’s not ugly? Because it contains at least 3 of the warning signs of abuse in the booklet my doctor gave me at my first prenatal visit.

Yeah let me tell you. It takes a lot of manipulation to get a person to the point where a dude can throw away all her birth control pills while a friend films it and then she can have his baby. Just based on this interview, he’s been pushing her boundaries and testing her limits since they first starting dated.

Reproductive Coercion is not cute, guy. This girl might wake up in a year and realize she married a controlling psycho. This is like the beginning of a story about a guy who kills his family because they lady breaks up with him.

People need to STOP interviewing Spicer. This man doesn’t deserve redemption. Keep him off your late night shows. Keep him away from award shows. Keep him out of your magazines!

The continued GOP fuckery underlines the importance of taking control of the House in 2018. It’s doable. Here are some relevant data points:

I find Janet so forking adorable. Such a great cast!

Oh Ivanka

Hey, Ivanka...

The real problem here is why does a president need to be moderated? The president should have a firm grasp on reality and be in control of themselves, but Trump isn’t. He’s mentally ill, and he’s clearly not allowing his handlers to medicate him before important meetings.

Blair Waldorf, the best character 

Now playing

I’m reading Katy Tur’s book on the campaign, and feeling so many things. She’s very funny, so there’s that, but his obsession with calling her Little Katy, maligning her, siccing his rabid fans on her, is also hard to read.

Which is why I was rather disappointed when she backed off on that when it went public. Rather than attempting to retract I’d have preferred she double down - “Yes, half of them are truly deplorable, despicable people. And I will fight for their actual interests just as I’ll fight for everyone else’s.”

This asshole is a thug and a bully who has learned to throw his morbidly high weight around all of his life because it’s worked for him.