
Today in horrible, entirely unsurprising things: Trump’s Justice Department won’t bring federal charges against the six officers involved in the arrest and subsequent death of Freddie Gray.

I think it’s been funny watching a handful of outlets that were whining for Hillary to shut up Hillz, no one likes you, to realize that she actually has a lot of fans who want to read her book and maybe she’s not as unpopular as they think.

I think you win, at least in the Chuck Jones category!

Ted, or at the very least his legal team, has argued that touching your junk for anything besides reproduction isn’t a right under the constitution

Guys, this is no laughing matter. Clearly this is going to be hard for Ted Cruz to get through, but if I know Ted Cruz, he’ll keep pounding it out as a member of the Senate. He has the ability to come back from this, but it’s going to take some intense work on himself first. There’s no doubt that this is a sticky

If you had asked me that when I was a new mother, I would have told “mommy porn” would be me watching someone else (anyone- I have no standards) clean my house, do laundry and change diapers while I rest for just one fucking minute.

Thank you. Exactly.

Oh FUCK that bullshit. Maintaining an email relationship with someone you want to fuck is such a fucking betrayal. Why didn’t the husband share the emails he was sending with his wife? Why didn’t he say oh yeah this is weird I’m emailing an old flame? Because he’s a devious creep cretin, that’s why. You men who are

Well we know Session’s plan would be to jail them all. Problem solved!

Here’s what few people will acknowledge. Apart from his rhetoric and embarrassing missteps, Trump has governed as a doctrinaire establishment Republican in almost every respect. He has stacked his Cabinet with the GOP Old guard, aggressively pursued their tax and deregulatory agenda, and loyally nominated right wing

People with disabilities, the elderly, people in labor, people who have pets, people who are first responders or in the medical profession, people who couldn’t get gas in time or whose car broke down, people whose jobs wouldn’t wait for them to come back, there’s a lot of reasons and ways you could end up staying when


Keep in mind that Obama did what he did because Congress did not act. He did the best he could with what he had available to him.

We could solve any future energy crisis if we locked Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity in a room and drop “liberal” headlines in on them. The amount of hot air from those two could run turbines powering the nation.

The fuck?

It’s the party divide, made worse and worse. I sort of wonder when it all began.

Now playing

Lawrence O’Donnell’s summary of what went down yesterday gives me life.

Eh - I’ve had more than one straight man attempt to demand that I “cease all contact forever” with another guy. Shit goes both ways.

What?!! I’m sorry but no. This chick is sending him selfies via his SECRET email. He is MARRIED. Holy shit everything about that set up is cheating. Sex does not define an affair. That’s like saying if you’re not getting hit in the face by a spouse who puts you down, is untrustworthy and lies to you is not abusing