Well, there’s also the time when he called SMC’s choice to do Cruel Intentions equivalent to being in pornography.
Well, there’s also the time when he called SMC’s choice to do Cruel Intentions equivalent to being in pornography.
Sure, but neither Kal Penn and Dan Stevens are young women with a biological clock who can get pregnant. And, the line has always been that getting killed off was their choice. It was not Charisma Carpenter’s choice.
I would bet real money on it being Dushku, and Hannigan, and Acker would not surprise me. Shit, Faith and The Mayor’s weird relationship may even be a nod to Dushku and Whedon.
Yes. Yes to all of this, and thank you for putting it so well.
Arguably, he put them there by being a cheating, gaslighting, reputation-shellacking douchebag. She just refused to keep covering for him.
so he could have everything he wanted.
I always thought there was something off about Whedon.
Love this. Exactly - if he was surrounded by “needy young women,” they were there on his say-so! They didn’t just jump out of a dark alley and attack his poor, innocent dick with their neediness...
The exerted quotes hint at it, but Kai’s whole post makes it clear: WHEDON GASLIT HER FOR YEARS. He made her doubt her own reality. Yeah, someone can fuck up and still be a feminist. But to consistently and determinedly tell a woman — one who you purportedly care about — that she is wrong in her experience and…
It’s classic. Took my two little guys to Disneyland last month. Got in the hot tub at the hotel and there was a pretty attractive guy sitting it in having a drink. He struck up a conversation and started asking me 100 questions about myself. Then tells me he’s there with his wife, two little kids and they have one on…
“Beautiful, needy, aggressive young women”. So his favourite kind then. And dude, you wrote the show and decided what kind of people would be in it, you’re the one who surrounded yourself with the beautiful, needy, aggressive young women. They didn’t just, like, turn up.
I forgive her because she lived through sixteen years of her husband being lauded as a feminist god friend and champion paragon on virtue while he was actually screwing around on her. I would be pretty pissed off too.
When my ex (who def. identified as a feminist) decided to leave me for a mutual friend, one of his guy friends met up with him at a bar for a drink. After the ex explained everything he’d done, the affairs, etc., the friend was like ‘that’s not very feminist of you, dude.’ As petty as it is, I liked hearing about it.
I commented elsewhere his Greek myth would be Penisius Douchebaggus, a sexual harassing minor centaur hunted by Artemis/Diana.
Sorry, but now he’s a dope? Please. This shit bag hasn’t had ONE policy since day one. Oh he’s got a bunch of plans and shit he’s going to tell us about at some point in fucking time.
So today alone I heard about 4 different people who regret their Trump votes. A neighbor’s husband, a friend’s elderly mother, and two other acquaintances, they think he’s a big dope now. Isn’t that so nice of them to have a change of heart? A change of heart that’s too little and too fucking late to reverse course…