
I think he’s arguing for chivalry and trying to sound like he’s not arguing for chivalry. “Conscientiousness” is the go to. I saw conservative guys whine about this all the time when I was in college about how the girls got testy with them if they pulled out their chair or held open a door.

Rule #1: if you’re a celebrity, always tip.

I can’t help but lol, and feel bad for his wife. Have some goddamn class, man. The life of a royal is lonely enough, but to have your spouse fuming for 45 YEARS because he wasn’t anointed king? That’s one hell of a temper tantrum. It’s almost like she’s the one with the rightful lineage and blood ties, not some

I really appreciate Elementary (at least what I’ve watched) for it’s diverse casting, and the fact that it went out of its way in the first season to specifically cast minorities as extras. That’s (maybe unsurprisingly) rare in Hollywood.

It’s also Ron Perlman as the Beast.

This is the one I can’t wrap my head around at all, especially with the aging Boomer crowd. I mean, conservatives are the ones who straight up long for a return to the Cold War era. Or, at least, they did. Right up until Donald Trump told them the Russians would save them from big bad Hillary Clinton. It just tells

This is the height of cruelty and I am disgusted. The intention of ICE to crush and destroy the dreams of these young men, these hard working minorities who PAY TAXES, high school graduates, all of whom are worth more than these fuck stick agents getting their bullying jollies off.

The title of this piece brought tears to my eyes. I’m starting to get surprised any time genuine leadership pops up.

You know I overheard a conversation between a young server (Trump supporter) and a couple of old men (also Trump supporters, and no surprise they’re all white) talking the way the media treated Trump shortly after he got elected. They were all about how you gotta “respect the office”, and that’s how they were raised,

I love that the current justification from Kushner and co. is “we were too disorganized (stupid) to collude”. Guys, I know it’s been working for you your whole privileged little lives but he didn’t know any better is not a good defense. Now, we’ve got a president willfully giving misleading statements in order to

Trump’s continuous attempts to take credit for this is really, really, really irritating. (And by irritating, I mean pisses me off.) In fact, it should always be accompanied by the point that he has nothing to do with it and that’s the previous administration’s policies.

Someone should tell him that the administration inherits the economic good or bad of the previous administration. His policies haven’t even begun to play out yet. But hey, he’s always been one to claim credit for other people’s work.

It is a thing of beauty, I’ve got to admit.

These are the people who believe the ACA is the Republican replacement for Obamacare.

The fact it was a man tells us so much about what’s going on at Fox News.

If you watch the video where McCain votes, McConnell is grinning right up until the moment McCain looks at him and then the grin disappears. He thought he had it in the bag. 50 votes with Pence as the tie-breaker.

You are far more clever and more imaginative than the three year old boobies in the White House that currently run our country.

The Democrats did not break ranks for this disgusting bill. Not a single one. Not even when they were baited by the Republican Senator from Montana who inserted a Single Payer Amendment (which almost certainly would’ve been scrubbed and was meant to damage them politically). They stayed together, they stood together,

Failed. Failed. Failed. Failed. Failed. Failed. Failed. FAILED!!!!!!

Yeah, that’s... what I’ve come to expect from the Republican Party.