
tis the great ungreyer!

Mark Shrayber, as I live and breathe!

Holy shit Maaaaaark

There was a really great piece about someone being hit by a bus once. Forget who wrote it, but it was really good!

I know, xoVain was there to half fill the hole millihellen left in my heart.

Was the sandwich lady story first on xoJane? The one who was clearly angling for a book deal about making sandwiches for her boyfriend while simultaneously ruining love and sandwiches?

“xoJane’s Death Was a Blessing.” Too soon?

I always forgot xoJane was a thing until it was inevitably mentioned here.

I was thinking this past week how great of a spot for empowerment xojane could have been in the wake of the inauguration/marches (similar to how Jez is), but Jane absolutely drove that site into the ground with her terrible choices in articles, from the lazy, uninspired, and downright dangerous (those homeophathic

I will miss xoVain, but you better believe I cackled with great enthusiasm when I heard xoJane was going away.

I think it’s interesting to watch a metaphorical infant taking its first steps, and then trash said infant for not being able to run a 40-yard-dash in record time. That, to me, is what this article does.

I work for an advocacy organization. We all went to the march, with our friends and our families.

“I also know several people who felt excluded ... and I think it’s because it was about so many things at once.”

What’s with these purity tests that people on the left require of one another?

Punching Nazis shouldn’t be illegal. It’s a goddamn American pastime, ffs.

Too bad someone didn’t give him a Third Reich in the kisser.

Spencer did nazi that coming....

If the guy who punched him gets arrested I will gladly donate to a fund to pay his bail. That guy is the hero we need right now.

I’m in a super red state, going to a local march. I wish I was in DC but the work I can do is going to be done at home so I thought it was important to stay. Our local organizers told us to be prepared do counter protestors and I’m trying to mentally prepare myself to keep my mouth shut. I thought about just taking

Of course he’ll say “the biggest crowds ever.” In the face of video, audio, books and newspaper accounts, he’s still managed to deny, lie and exaggerate with a straight fucking face. The sign of a true sociopath.