Unexpected trip to BFE Michigan (family emergency) had me washing my hair with whatever the in-laws had, which was Pert, shampoo & conditioner IN ONE. That, on top of super soft well-water, I felt...not great.
Unexpected trip to BFE Michigan (family emergency) had me washing my hair with whatever the in-laws had, which was Pert, shampoo & conditioner IN ONE. That, on top of super soft well-water, I felt...not great.
I picked at a pimple. you would think I would know better by now, but nope.
I used a makeup wipe to clean my face before bed. Woke up with still a smudge of liner and mascara, and thought it could get me through today. I thought wrong.
I didn’t wash my hair last night. It was right on the edge of wash vs. it can go another day. I made the decision not to wash and I’m regretting it. Sigh, it took me years to train my hair to the point that it didn’t need to be washed every day. Sometimes, I try to take it too far. Today, is one of those days.
Now just turn on the heater and it’ll become a hot dog bun!
Exactly, or tight braids or weaves. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a tight man-bun.
Ahem. I find many of them strangely magnetic.
I give you the dog bun.
Nope. I love a man bun. Men with long hair just do it for me and if they want to put it in a bun, I’ll be into that too. Awooooga.
Most of the man buns I see aren’t done tight enough to cause that kind of hair loss. Traction alopecia is seen more around the hairlines of women who wear severe ponytails all day every day.
I really did not like that movie and I was so disappointed with it.
Yeah, I agree. The poster made it look slightly eh, and then I watched the trailer and it looks pretty terrible. It’s too bad, they’re both so funny, they deserve better.
Ravenclaw. All the way.
Ravenclaw all the way.
I hate when Tina Fey stars in things she didn't write :[ You just know she could have made a much better movie if she were writing
The preview is not funny : ( and I want it to be sooooo badly.
As much as I wish it looked good, it appears to be Actual Uninspired Garbage.
This looks really dumb. And the characters look the same from that pregnancy movie they did, but reversed.
Sisters, the upcoming movie starring dream duo Tina Fey and Amy Poehler as sisters, of course, is only a couple of months away.
Oh, okay then. Here goes.