
I can’t wear heels. I just can’t do it. In college my best friend tried to get me to go out in heels all the time and I’d end up barefoot and holding my shoes in like, 5 minutes because I couldn’t take the pain. I even bought specially sized wide feet heels and still couldn’t do it. I lust over heels at department

Social media humblebragging is one of my biggest pet peeves. I don’t care if you want to brag a little but constant humblebrags about how amazing you are for running a bunch of errands/ cooking a gourmet dinner/ getting in ten workouts, etc. drives me up the wall. You’re amazing WE GET IT.

Shhh. Do you hear the dripping? That is the sound of my cold, icy heart melting.

Pelvic floor PT isnt exactly fun but it’s SO worth it! Good luck!

Any GAWR concert stories should probably win by default.

My story was about seeing the Spice Girls when I was 11! I missed their reunion tour and I was DEVASTATED.

I saw REM at the Red Rocks Amphitheater in Colorado and it was... magical.

Back in 1999 when I was 11, my dad got me the most incredible present I will ever receive in my life: third row tickets to the Spice World tour.

That’s very, very true. I think the long term co-parenting disasters were seeing are a huge reality check to kids these days who think their high school love is the be all end all. And I was one of those kids!

Tyler is a fame whore plain and simple. Cate was totally right that all that matters is that THEY get to see pictures of Carly, and yet Tyler is compromising all of that for no other reason than vanity. He has got some serious issues and don’t even get me started on the way he’s treating Cate’s pregnancy weight gain!

It is. :(

I think we can thank Farrah’s good ‘ol Christian upbringing for the truly delightful person she is today, hahaha.

I find it fascinating too! I actually like the 16 & Pregnant series better because I think it’s a more accurate depiction of the struggles of teenage pregnancy (since those girls are making hundreds of thousands of dollars) and they can be really emotionally raw.

I used to drink at least 3 cans of regular Coke every day. One day I decided to just quit cold turkey (and gave up all sodas for awhile although these days I’ll have a clear one like Sprite every once in awhile) and switched to unsweetened iced tea. I was partially motivated by the potential for weight loss but ended

This is my question too, and I am much too afraid to google. Isn’t it possible for prolapse to happen after anal sex? Once again, much too afraid to google.

Farrah is a grade A narcissist (literally) but Gary is a piece of shit. He’s an emotionally manipulative douchebag who enjoys tormenting the women in his life. Amber seems to really have gotten her life together after going to “gel” so I hope she can be a good influence in her daughters life.

I think he has her listed as 6” Eyelash Portwood

This is beyond horrifying. I understand what the statute of limitations exists but this man needs to be behind bars. Jesus.

Wow you are beautiful and have some insanely beautiful tattoos! You’re making me want more! All the tattoos!

I’m not afraid of flying but I do have emetephobia so being on an airplane brings out the fear that either 1) I’m going to throw up or 2) I’m going to see someone throw up. The first has never happened but the second has. I take a Xanax and nausea meds but I still get panic attacks anyway. Then again my life is pretty