
Thank you! I also grew up feeling like I was on the outside looking in and it’s something I never want my daughter to go through!

I’ll have to look into that and make sure I talk to whatever therapist we end up at. When she’s not overwhelmed she is literally the most outgoing child I have ever met in my life! She’ll feed off attention like crazy and love to be the center of attention. When I was little and struggled with anxiety I never left my

That must have been hard for you guys to go through but you made a wonderful decision for your son! With my own issues my daughter is extremely high risk for bipolar and anxiety disorders and it will definitely be best to keep a professional eye on her. I was raised without treatment and I refuse to do that to my own

Oh yeah I totally forgot that! It’s some super special teaching you only learn after you given them a butt load of money. People have got to feel totally punked by this stupidity!

It’s her selfishness more than her arrogance or ignorance that rubs me the roughest. The progress she’d toss so willy nilly is actually a big fucking deal. Segregation wasn’t ended until the 60s, and she wants to go back in time?! It’s shocking people can think like that. (BTW I unfriended her and her husband

I will look that up right now, thank you!


It’s really, really hard! I’m still not sure I’m ready!

Or god forbid her husband left her, or was killed or physically disabled and she’d have to provide for her family. But these kind of people usually lack these kind of critical thinking skills.

Yeah he literally made a sandwich joke. I almost murdered everyone within a 5 mile radius of me.

Thank you! It’s so good to hear positive feedback. We really struggled with age 3 (I had no idea it was so much worse than 2!) and I’m hoping 4 will be a better year for us!

That’s a really, really great way to think about it, thank you!

Thank you! I knew I was going into a hostile audience but I really wanted to get the point across that femimism is for everyone! Unfortunately not everyone can open their closed minds but it’s always worth a shot!

That is awesome!

That’s great to hear! Hearing about other kids succeeding in therapy makes me feel a lot better about this whole situation.

I know being a SAHM is what she aspires to be but they don’t have kids yet. In the meantime she has a job and is benefiting from all the progress of feminism in the last 40 years while hypocritically renouncing it.

Thank you I’m going to check that out!

Thank you! I’m going to read those right now!

I would love to get her into an instrument! She’s actually been dancing for almost 2 years now and really enjoys it as well. She’ll get very nervous in the lead up to performances but as soon as she gets on stage she just kills it. It really amazes me.

My biggest beef is that she can have exactly what she wants today, no problem. But in the past other women couldn’t have the fundamental rights that they wanted. Basically she’s saying her opinion is the only right opinion and all women should aspire to be submissive domestic servants. That’s what started pissing me