If Spencer and Tony get into an argument about science vs faith I may literally jizz myself with excitement.
If Spencer and Tony get into an argument about science vs faith I may literally jizz myself with excitement.
Hopefully, it won't turn out to be like (SPOILER). Book readers know what I'm talking about
You're partially right. She lost due to her poor social skills, which is what put her in position to make that strategic move because she felt like she was on the outs. This of course further alienates her old alliance and now everyone hates her instead of respecting her move.
I'm sure they knew from confessionals that both Tony and Spencer were planning to do this so they planned ahead. Neither have been exactly shy about sharing their strategies to the camera.
They've really been killing it on the music this season. That epic score they had going into the auction was pretty sweet too. Now if they could just play the full intro ONE FUCKING TIME we would be good.
I was not a Jefra fan at the beginning of the season but she really won me over. Although not even she could fill the gaping Alexis-sized hole in my hear. *sigh*
Well Judge I'm glad to see you finally found a way to start winning your own game. It's all on the level I'm sure.
A little before my time. The only things I remember about her are watching her teary confessions on SportsCenter a few years ago. I'm sure she's lovely though.
Kass is the Catelyn Stark of Survivor. Even though voting out Sarah was a monumentally dumb move, just like Cat arresting Tyrion, we really ought to thank them for making all the greatness that followed possible.
"Jeff, I think I had just had the most brilliant idea. What if we let players pool their money on items so we get more strategizing at the auction. Imagine, we may even get some outlandish scenario like 2 players blindly buying a ham, and one of them being Jewish. Shenanigans!"
I was in the indoor-track facility at my school a few months ago and I saw Crystal's name and picture up on the wall for winning some track event. It made me die a little inside.
So does this mean that i and 1 is Burton and Little Emma is Lil? In this scenario Judge would of course be Skinny Ryan.
They just need to go back to giving numerous advantages, eliminating the necessity of spending all your money on one item. Or make the advantage a closed-lid item so that players are forced to take more of a gamble.
Speaking as a college male, I can confirm that we are indeed the most selfish beings on the planet. Even more selfish than lawyers.
Apparently. I hated that name to be honest though, so maybe its not the worst thing ever.
I recently discovered that my sister is a celebrity in the Supernatural fake Twitter community, so no judgment here. I also get the majority of my NBA commentary from Jalen Rose and NotMikeDunleavy
I'd go gay for the love child of Boston Rob and Kim
Don't worry. i would never abandon you guys just for a girl. Bros before…………..girlfriends
Please don't downgrade me yet! I swear I can do better! Just give me another chance!