Does that mean that my #TeamJ'Terrible will get me into the outcasts league?
Does that mean that my #TeamJ'Terrible will get me into the outcasts league?
You'd be surprised. That season has the comedy and ineptitude of the Maraamu tribe, the Robfather and downfall of Hunter storyline, the first completely random tribe shakeup, the weird saga of Gabriel Cade, and the fantastic come-from-behind story of the new Maraamu tribe all in the pre-merge! Post-merge you have the…
I'd also like to point out the irony of Andy finally winning the fantasy league with a player that he wrote off as having 0% chance to win the game after the first episode. You know, just in case anyone had forgotten.
Perhaps but I think the real flaw in Tony's game, especially apparent with how he handled the jury, was his inability to see how his decisions and betrayals were perceived by his allies. Survivor is the game where the perception of the truth is far more important than the actual truth. It's the same reason why Coach…
Oh I'm serious. Put me on a podcast and I will defend Marquesas to death, from the beginning to the end.
I agree HvV was better but I was talking about just newbie seasons. I also consider "post-Russell" to be after Heroes Vs Villains
Those really are the best juries. I thought Trish's whole question was absolutely riveting television.
I would start referring to Tony as "the Russell who Doesn't Suck" but at this point the comparison is really just a disservice to Tony.
The problem with Tony was that his internal justification for his voting people was not how the rest of the jury percieved it. He believed his own lies! If he had just owned up to the fact that he betrayed people than nobody would have been concerned about him losing
Good game everyone. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to step back, reevaluate my Survivor fantasy skills, and fight my way back into the champions league. What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger!
I remember watching the show when I was in middle school and actually asking my parents if this was legal. Seriously how did nobody die out there?
Was Woo's move horrible strategy and gameplay? Absolutely. But, like so many bad moves before it, including some this season it made the show SO MUCH BETTER. This is why the show should continue to cast people like this instead of just overly-strategic players. I love Spencer, but if every player were like him there…
Probable unpopular opinion: I thought that the Tyler Perry segment went over about as well as it could have, I still would have preferred something else but it was much better than most of the other celebrity guest spots since he does appear to be a genuine fan and understood how the idea backfired.
Me too. I feel like an idiot now because apparently everyone saw through this as editing trickery. But I was so sure that Woo would vote out Tony just because it was so blindingly obvious that he needed to. I apparently forgot that Woo is still Woo
The crowd booing Jerri was really bullshit. Especially since the point she was making was that Survivor players are real people with real feelings. As a fanbase we really learned all the wrong lessons from All-Stars
I actually thought Woo handled his Final Tribal about as well as he possibly could. Especially since he had Tony next to him doing his best to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory
NOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Vecepia is one of the most underrated players in Survivor history and to call that Final 2 disappointing is a disservice to a fantastic season.
If I were recasting the season in retrospect I would put Garrett and LJ on Brawn, Woo on Beauty, and Tony on Brains for the guys. For the girls I would swap Alexis and J'Tia just because I can't in good conscience keep J'Tia on the Brains and Alexis is really the most acceptable substitute
Woo was absolute gold this entire episode just like all season. I understand why people didn't want him to win, but honestly I just don't imagine this season being nearly as good without him. Right up to the end, even when he sabotaged his own game to give Tony a million dollars, he was everything I wanted from a…
It's the best modern Survivor season (post-Russell) BY FAR. I don't think it beats the classic seasons though, especially Amazon and Pearl Islands. I'd put it around the same level as China and Tocantins which are the two shining gems of the middle years of Survivor, omitting Micronesia