
I was responding to the guy who responded to OP. It’s called context

This is the coldest imaginable take. This take could singlehandedly stop global warming. That take is riddled with the tongues of children foolish enough to think they could lick it. Pluto looks at that take and says “damn, that’s cold.” Polar bears stay away from that take because it’s uncomfortable.

The black market brokers can both charge teams to see the player AND blackmail the player into giving them a percentage of their earnings. Read below for the barest inkling of what I’m talking about.

Oh, I’m well aware of that. I’m responding to the guy above discussing tax cuts more philosophically than in action

Oh, I’m well aware of that. I’m responding to the guy above discussing tax cuts more philosophically than in action

“Schwarz did at least admit that since the state hasn’t issued any bonds, any damage from the project totally failing would be “minimal.” At worst, the state’s governor and economic development agency would be “very embarrassed.””

What makes you think the brokers aren’t going to be as involved in talent negotiations in this hypothetical scenario as they currently are? They can still reduce exposure to the talent that they “represent,” they would just be doing so for less than now since, as the article indicates, there would be a much lower


Yeah, I agree regarding the crashes (and you didn’t mention it, their busted-ass DLC for this). Though I doubt the story is ever cohering; did you play FFX? I’ve played through it twice and I barely understand it.

A. You’re assuming that budgets don’t evolve over time due to unforeseen costs. I’m in brand management, I have several different budgets to keep an eye on, and exactly none of them stay static throughout the year. Let’s say a state announces this kind of deal in February. They’re not waiting until the end of the

As I understand it, the way tax cuts are implemented isn’t simply spot-reducing taxes you have to pay; it’s a rebate issued by the state in the form of municipal bonds. So the reason to NOT give tax cuts to giant corporations is because it’s very difficult to see that money back in your coffers (hence the enormous

This level is the biggest reason by far I’m interested in Dishonored 2. Great write up!

Yeah, agreed. The demo was hugely infuriating, and all these good reviews is making me actually excited for an FF game again (though XII is an underappreciated masterpiece). I don’t know how to feel.

“even if it doesn’t wake me up, I’m usually not waking up with a start from a deep sleep like I used to when I used a traditional alarm”

I got one, and I have to say: the light does NOT wake me up. I’ve got it as bright as it will go right next to my head, and the alarm is still what gets me out of bed. THAT SAID, it’s really nice to have the room filled with light when I wake up, and makes getting out of bed a lot easier.


The demo made it feel like single character Dragon Age: Inquisition, which is basically my walking nightmare. If there’s more of a flow to it, similar to Devil May Cry or God of War, I will be a LOT more receptive.

Oh, that’s awesome. Thanks for the help! Looking forward to getting through my backlog and THEN buying this!

Ah, gotcha. Thanks for that

Kolber below has corrected me; I’m thinking of Platinum. So it’s an even bigger step up from Platinum?