Sorry man, I was trying to help. If you like the looks then all hope is lost and you should just get one. :)
Sorry man, I was trying to help. If you like the looks then all hope is lost and you should just get one. :)
It’s a plush couch, that pulls as hard in 4th as 3rd or 2nd, plus your pillion will love it. Perfect bike for when I’m older and a little less insane.
I love that you’re referring to one of the fastest road-legal vehicles ever produced as “plenty fast enough for me. Not sure I’d go out actively looking for anything faster.”
The bike never goes faster than you let it.
In my experience, it’s very easy to be socially isolated as a woman at a man-focused event. I do car track days, but I have a feeling it’s similar in the bike world. There’s a few different crowds of guys at these events. There are some that don’t fit in these groups, but it’s rare.
The comments on these are always an absolutely dumpster fire. Truly a mystery why more women don’t naturally gravitate to this crowd
What do you mean? ...reads through comments... Oh.
“I think it’s great that men are taking an interest in motorsports and vehicles in general. Lewis Hamilton really made in-roads by raising awareness with our current generation (he wasn’t the first...if you think so, google “Senna” to learn something interesting). But I will say this, I’d rather not see this...”
Taking a read through some of the comments here gives an indication why women riders are still somewhat rare.
Haha, yep! Fat women have no business leaving their homes, much less riding motorcycles. Ew. Gross. All that skin and fat just on display for some poor, innocent person to have to see.
I’m female. I’ve had my cycle endorsement since 1976. There have been female riders for years. Yes, I’m old by most commenter’s standards here. Yes, I still ride. Yes, I still get the oddball look when a guy pulls next to me at a light. Yes, I still get the arsehole male driver who thinks he needs to try and…
I’m a female human who would like to get a motorcycle. I can’t speak for anyone but myself, but I don’t give a single half-shit about what any male motorcycle community thinks about me, pedestal or no. I didn’t even know there was a community until I started reading Jalopnik. I’m not in it for the blogging or the…
Fortunately for all of you, I’m only allowed to use pictures I have the rights to, which means you’re stuck looking at my friends instead of yours.
Hopefully the toxic culture within the motorcycle crowd doesn't proceed to drive them away.
One of the biggest issues faced by the motorcycle industry is the difficulty of capturing new riders in new…
The all new Honda Africa Twin is the most exciting bike to come from Honda in over a decade. With the adventure…
“Aggressively defensive” is my euphemism of choice. Always put yourself in a safe place, don’t trust others to do that for you.
Experienced motorcyclists might make riding look easy, but that’s only because they’re experienced. As a novice,…
The Ducati presentation said the US, Australia, and someone else will retain the under bike exahust. I’m disappointed by the lack of LED headlights and quick downshift. Honda is going all LEDs across their line, a premium maker like Ducati shouldn’t be behind the trend.