Do you think Jezza dislikes Mitt Romney?
Watch the video. They actually put them directly in the mailbox.
" This would never fly in the U.S., where someone would undoubtedly accuse the dealership of trespassing on private property."
Correction. It's Lurie. Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital.
Agreed. It was pure luck that the X5 didn't go over that cliff.
I orignally thought the cupholders in my 997.2 were complete shit until I realized you need to fold the cupholder out, then close up the little door where they popped out of. That holds them in place. Although I don't ever really use the cupholders as I don't normally allow any food or drink in the car. But they…
I was going to say Type 101 as well, but that grill doesn't match any of the Type 101 that I have seen.
The car in the video actually appears to be a GT3, not a GT3 RS. Some commenters on the YouTube page commented about seeing 3.8 on the side of the spoiler. That 3.8 is not on the side of the RS Spoiler. The front bumper also doesn't match the RS bumper. So I guess at least it's not an RS, but rather a GT3 with…