
One can only hope that this couple have (or will have) many children

Brandon Gibson can get you the financing that Mike Wallace can't

Adam Gase is getting this job

If the President was afforded the level of protection that the TPD offers the football program ...there would be fewer fence jumpers

Rickie Weeks hates this god damn picture

Should have ducked

Hartford, Nevada or NC State?

If that kid is getting the mumps vaccine ...well

And with the 15th pick in the draft ....the New York Knickerbockers select

Can we get a Q&A with the parents?

It appears that #12 managed to circumvent underwear check

As a result of overzealous tea leaf reading; Coach Altman has told boosters he is feeling pretty good about his 2023 recruiting class

"How's that nacho cheese baby?"


Pulling the helmet off as I hit Letang is the reason I was a dad before my 18th birthday.

Titties trying to pull off super size is the epitome of hopeless

If I'm lucky - I get a ring dropped on my meat bag every third Saturday

I'd be a lot quicker to bite on this if

If I'm Jimmy Clausen my "fuck this' is as powerful as Cutlers if only in a completely different context

The CIA taped this game