
I appreciate that it's Saturday - but a NSFW would have helped

Wait, I'm sorry; are the insinuations here that Mr. Felton engages in a relationship out side of his marriage, flies on AirTran and is not partial to Delta ?

I appreciate charts and metrics as much as the next guy and I don't want to oversimplify this but ... if a team sucked before the break, the likelihood of them continuing to suck after the break is probably pretty high.

Based on impossibility of this occurring - I found this comment a new home (rhymes with Yahoo and Sports) , where fellow readers also believe that the Knicks have a draft pick. I'm not on to normally brag but I am bringing home the thumbs up by the truckload.

Does this mean more, less or same amount of puss for Incognito? If it's the same, I apologize for asking the question.

Terry Gannon ate if for 10 fuckin days

As a die hard Leafs fan (and by die hard Leafs fan, I mean an idiot) - this is a great question. I was really thrilled with today's win and I'll let you know how I feel when the Leafs win the cup ...which means you and I will never speak again.

Well said

Dave - thank you for your gracious words. I will say this, and may speak on behalf of many of my fellow Canadians; the US team is very impressive and we were fortunate to escape with the win today.

Ruthless and fantastic

Wonderful comments and a great first period .

As a proud Canadian, I wish the U.S the best of luck and good health in today's contest

If the men pull it off tomorrow, the structural damage at City Hall will be costly

Dumb - check, good - check

This is going to be rough on the Costas's eyes tonight

Remind me again which one worked at Hooters?

Can't make this up

Sir, I'm not going to get those ones