
People just believe that they should get art for free, because it's art, man.

There was a slanted reference to her in one of the "flashback" episodes where they were remembering being in law school and "whatever happened with that Greek girl" comes up. So at our house we knew it wasn't Dawson.

So, wait, constantly insulting a woman only counts if he's fat-shaming her? Wow.
It doesn't matter if it's technically true or not, she values him, and therefore these jibes and constant put downs become internalized.
I can't say that I disagree more with the idea that it's "not so bad because she's not fat and we

Agreed. I'm in a lot of relationships with men that aren't romantic. Pretty much every relationship I have with every man other than my husband is a no-romance relationship. We don't have to establish it as such by that man insulting me constantly. The Doctor is better than this trite garbage.

Again, perhaps in his first episode right after regeneration, that was okay, but to continue to take jabs at her physical appearance 4 episodes later is a little too much every day sexism.

Agree 100% about the insults. In 3 of 4 episodes so far this season, he has insulted Clara for no reason. It's not snappy dialogue, it's mean spirited and it's a total departure from the Doctor we've known.
Moffat has again and again shown himself as a writer to be fairly sexist, and the fact that he somehow thinks