It's digital only. No trading in option. It does, however, mean you can get both gens for $60, which was a good enough deal for me to bin my Xbox One preorder.
It's digital only. No trading in option. It does, however, mean you can get both gens for $60, which was a good enough deal for me to bin my Xbox One preorder.
If he was killed by one of the NFL's star players, maybe.
You're right. Tony Stewart is the *real* victim here.
That doesn't change that Stewart ran over and killed a guy with his car. Even if you want to completely absolve him of any guilt, he still killed a guy.
There's complex math involving gross annual income, municipality the event took place in, and skin tone of the victim, but in this case, I think it's about a 2-3.
I have to disagree on part of this. Ryder, Ziggler, and Bryan all got pushed pretty hard, and failed out for one reason or another. Ryder because he's a lot better at YouTube than actually wrestling a compelling match, Ziggler because he wouldn't shut his fucking mouth in public, and Bryan because his neck stopped…
I hate to, but I'd argue that it was Sony who introduced the idea of the must-have indie game with thatgamecompany's stuff, most notably Journey. I bought my PS3 to play Journey and LBP, which one could argue is also indie-ish.
[edit] Whoops: I meant Inside.
That's a hugely unfair comparison. There was nothing redeeming about Juno. Even Jason Bateman couldn't save it.
I'm always down for bringing positivity to the One, so why not lend a hand?
I racked up so many f-ing game clips playing Peggle 2. I like the idea of automatically recording cool moments, and it's captured a handful of things I'm glad to have a record of, but damn, having (literally) 25 clips of the exact same sequence because I'm trying to get a high score on a level was really annoying.
Unless you're a diehard Battlefield fan, I'd suggest skipping BF4. I bought it at launch and traded it in after about two weeks, and then bought it again for the Fan Appreciation thing they did in February. When everything works perfectly, it's revelatory, but things rarely work perfectly. Even after several patches,…
You can stream personal media to the Xbox One.
This is true in a couple places I've lived.
By being a billionaire.
Seems more effective to bury him. Sometimes you have to tell them to get in the box.
[edit] Somehow missed that under196 beat me to it.
Every once in a while WWE deserves the benefit of the doubt. The WeeLC match could easily have been a "look at the little freaks" match, and they (surprisingly) managed to forego the least common denominator and put on a fairly legitimate match.
By that logic, anything they do will be useless. What does Sterling care if they wear something? His worst case scenario is the NBA forces him to sell and he makes hundreds of millions of dollars profit on the pittance he spent to buy the team.
The thing about the "bah, lucky" dismissal that is particularly egregious is that it suggests that the particular player doesn't matter. Line up every player in the NBA and give them that shot 100 times, and only a handful of them are going to sink it once. Sure, it was lucky, but it was also skill.