
Taking it to a dealership is no guarantee either. Took my truck to a dealership for scheduled 35k transmission service, a simple flush and fill. They have a great device that plugs into the loop while it’s running so all the fluid is exchanged. Instead of using the pressure fittings this device is equipped with, an

Great video, if not unbelievable. It has an opposite spectrum feel. On both ends you have a guy driving a fairly exotic car that has been modded, (and is clearly lightning fast, holy shit!) proving that we are never satisfied with anything. In the middle you have a cretin, who by looks of it stole a log, and is

You got that right, I live in Indy and this race was not to be missed. Unbelievable action. Moto Gp pulled out and there is no Indy Mile for 2016 and maybe never again. Lack of fan support. I chalk it up to the fact that the last few generations of would be fans that would keep things going prefer to watch a video of

+ many sad Colts fans

My actions during the game were out of frustration and emotion, period!

I submit that we are already there.

Another genius. Those headphones are such shit that they have chunks of metal in them that do nothing but add weight, so they don't feel like such shit. But since all the other guys are wearing them;

Clearly should have posted this one instead.

I must be the oldest guy here.

He sure as hell stirred it up.

Doesn’t it seem counter productive to announce your military strategy? Are we so desperate nationally to be validated as in, “see, we are too doing something.”? I know that everyone in Washington and on this blog are smarter than me but at what point do we say, “ya know, we been dicking around over here for 60 or 70

You have to give credit to the guy shooting the second video, that shit was close and he stayed right on subject. Got a nice dust and rock shower for his efforts. Crazy!

Weapons, like people have strengths and weaknesses. Speaking of people and weaknesses, I don't get the whole TS thing, yeah the legs are nice but she is flat chested with a flat ass and average looks at best. Of course money makes everyone look better but if you're going to fixate on something unattainable, fixate on

Pretty likely the bombers and nukes would be flown in so unless you’re ready to start shooting down Chinese aircraft, that blockade isn’t going to fly. Without an actual physical Sand Pebbles type blockade, they would probably sail right past your ships anyway. With the Cuba deal, the Russians were pretty sure Kennedy

Only another designer could see how bad this is that quickly. Let's see what you got there, Dr. No

I see what you did there.....Geddy

The Chechens have been blowing up shit in Russia for years. Not as prolific as they once were, point is Russia knows terrorism. One reason the Chechens are less prolific is Russia knows border control. So the answer to your question is yes.

There are no words adequate to describe such asshattery by the AF. Those folks do have some questionable taste in music however.

Repeating, no. Rebuilding the Soviet Union is what he wants. He believes Gorbachev and Yeltsin were traitors. He has been in office so long the he believes that as Putin goes, so goes Russia. There isn't a single world leader equal to him, in his mind. He would happily beat the shit out of the President on live TV

Nobody said terrorist but you. In this video the speaker/videographer is clearly an Assad supporter showing his approval of the Russian attack. They don’t tend to holler God is Great when they themselves are getting smoke checked. The point being made, I think, was the total lack of imagination in his exclamations.