Not a pilot, (did get to 'fly' a T-6 one time) it seems like they jets were on the throttle at contact with arresting gear. Preparing for a possible miss?
Not a pilot, (did get to 'fly' a T-6 one time) it seems like they jets were on the throttle at contact with arresting gear. Preparing for a possible miss?
Hmmmm, sounds like FSU has a long tradition of keeping it classy. That's some third world soccer type crap right there!
Woody Woodpecker more like...
Thank you for this, and thank you to Andrew Hawkins for being willing and wise. This needs to be circulated far and wide, it is easily the smartest and most honest take I've heard on the subject. This country needs a lot more ball players like Andrew Hawkins. I'll bet if you ask him, he readily accepts the default…
The worm is crazy on a Col. Kurtz level, your vitriol gives him strength, confirms him in his lunacy.
That was cool, the 2ond driver was a bit smoother, would've like to have seen more.
I'm also pretty sure that as a rite of passage in his homeland, Manute killed a lion with a spear when he was about 12.
My favorite Bol was against Dallas when he played for Golden State. There was an altercation between Bol and a Maverick player, Brad Davis I'm pretty sure, blonde haired white guy. Anyway the ref got between them and Bol throws a punch that lands on Davis from so far away that there could have been a three second…
Commish is a thankless job. It may even be less than thankless in this instance and was in my former league as well. Fantasy owners, it turns out, can be and many times are just as greedy and petty as real owners. Remember, no one will fuck you harder or faster than friends or family. Merry Christmas!!!
You never know what you have till it's gone. Maybe the St. Louis PD should just shut 'er down for a week or so, bet that would change things a bit. Many here are commenting as though they were front and center for the entire incident, which I find offensive.