To be fair, this is how white people reacted to the red wedding and that's not even real.
To be fair, this is how white people reacted to the red wedding and that's not even real.
I really appreciate your ending comments about living as a fat person and your relationship with food. I live that everyday but hadn't really thought about it in those exact terms. Thanks as always for making me laugh and making me think. You're the best, Lindy.
"Mr. Welker! Mr. Welker! Can I have one?!"
A senseless tragedy that could have been avoided. Seriously, people, if you're shooting a video, hold your phones in landscape mode.
Honorable mention, footage not available: Bob Costas eating out a Russian hooker's asshole and coming down with double pink eye.
This story has inspired me, and on Valentine's Day no less. Tonight, when I finish 30 minutes ahead of my wife, I vow to stay awake and congratulate her perseverance.
You took a major spill and owned up to it with class. Essentially, you are the complete opposite of British Petroleum. Kudos.
Here in Missouri, "Truman's Day Spa" is a euphemism for taking a brisk walk, reading the paper with a hot cup of black coffee and then enjoying a firm bowel movement.
Whoa whoa whoa — Michelle Rodriguez making out news made me miss everything else.
Look, if Tim Tebow was your new co-worker, you'd be trying hard to help him find another job too.
Broncos Fans: are you unhappy even with the 1 Seed? Call the Vasecto-Men.
for some reason i presumed this meant day of the week and my first thought was "tuesday, definitely tuesday".
@demographic: Ahh.. cat owners.. so high strung. I love my dog.