Upset with generalizations. Proceeds to use generalizations. Brilliant. Keep your gun. Please dont breed.
Upset with generalizations. Proceeds to use generalizations. Brilliant. Keep your gun. Please dont breed.
“I don’t want to talk about politics” says the guy who seemed very eager to talk about politics
Millennial here (1991)... Have owned 40+ cars since I was 16...built 5 of them from the frame up.
His pedometer is over 9,000!
I think this was the best lawsplainer...
“Elon Musk Is Doubling Down on the Pedo Thing”
While not perfect by any means, let’s not forget there is a Right Wing agenda trying to take this Pope down, because he is more progressive than any Pope in history. I think you need to get all the facts before writing something like this.
I would say I have an addiction to the internet, but it’s not like I’m on Deadspin in the middle of the work day reading and commenting on stupid shit while missing pretty important deadlines.
Putting clothespins on power cords to save money by keeping electricity from escaping as waste is one of the stupidest fucking things I’ve ever heard. If people who believe this have kids that go to your kid’s school, you need to find your kid a new school.
I’d say I’m allergic to sun screen....that’s why my Big Dog XXL shit is on in the pool.
The White Zone. There is no kneeling allowed in the White Zone.
Don’t worry, the president will do something about it. Try to ban game tournaments...
The most honorable of squeezes.
The useful skill of gun fighting?
you’re joking, right?
Your patronizing attitude betrays either your stupidity or dishonesty. The Democratic Party Platform of 2016 was only brought about by the demands, numbers and energy of the progressive, Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party. Clinton’s past actions only show that platform for planks to be horse-traded at the behest…
It’s good to read the whole article BEFORE you comment.