Multi-grain Beard

The HPV vaccine is recommended but parents have to opt-in for it. I don’t think that one’s included here. Also, the HPV vaccine will save lots of lives.

Thank you. There’s a threshold for safe vaccination rates. What this shows is counties that are beyond that threshold.

I’m tired of hearing defense of police just because it’s a relatively small proportion of them that get in trouble for stuff like this. Until police officers and their unions start taking action against the “bad ones” and taking steps to ensure that policing practices change, then they’re complicit.

Goddammit, is Trump making me like Kim Jong-un?

Depression IS a selfish disorder. It makes us do things that hurt those around us and it comes out of nowhere to surprise us again and again. I know you can’t understand but depression leaves a life of pain and suffering. When I’m at my worst, I can convince myself that my wife, children, and family are better without

Can’t see why

Nah, that last one has two fucking collar buttons. That’s twice as many as a collar needs.

Us white folks just want everything to be fair. By fair, I mean that we should be allowed to say anything anyone else does. We also don’t want to be made to feel as though we should do anything to address the ways in which we’re treated preferentially, that makes us very sensitive and uncomfortable. Can we all just

You can travel through places with bears without guns. Most bear attacks are due to people, not bears. People leave food out and they try to get close for pictures. That’s why bears* attack. You don’t need a gun for that, you need to be aware of how to behave around bears.

The correct answer is still 3-1.

If you can stomach driving one, then the Smart car is tiny and safe.

I show that one to my high school students! They’ve all got someone at home telling them that new cars are cheap and flimsy, so I try to flush that out of their brains. I also like this one where a Smart ForTwo gets run into a concrete wall and the passenger door still opens and closes.

Wow. You bring up a great point, yet the arrogant blindness of many of the replies here is appalling.

It turns out that, with as many cars on the road as there are, there are lots of accidents. You seem to think that because you consider yourself a good driver, you’re immune to accidents. That’s dumb.

Did you read the OP? What he’s saying is that someone is saying “safety isn’t a luxury,” while safe cars are beyond the affordable price range of many, making it a luxury for them. Your “never put a price tag on safety” maxim is oversimplified when there is absolutely a price tag for that, one which many cannot afford.

Maybe not all the Republicans are racist, misogynistic, or transphobic but it sure seems like all of the people who are identify themselves as Republicans.

The average seat back reclines what, about 2 inches? That’s at the top of the seat. Hinges like the ones in seat backs, though, create angles. The very bottom of the seat doesn’t move backward at all and, even for someone with very long legs, the seat would only come back between 1/4 and 1/2 an inch.

Nope. The Woke Daddy link is worse.

Counterpoint: no one gives a shit about the Lions game on Thanksgiving.

Wait. Then we should all have the gender reveal parties of which our parents deprived us!