Multi-grain Beard

Sorry, Michael, but white people really do say this type of shit to other white people. Random old guys will start talking to me at places like the grocery store and assume that, because I’m white, I must subscribe to the same brainless worldview. To me, at least, that means that they must be pretty successful with

Oh, well then now I think she’s a pretty cool person and not at all an evil monster whose main goal is to dismantle public schools and increase the advantage given to white Christian kids.

It won’t take me a week or two. I’m not happy about that. We’re apathetic, we’ve realized that, as a people, we are almost powerless.

“Multiple exclamation marks are a sure sign of a diseased mind.”

I don’t mind this.

I was going to comment a similar thing. I would rather America knows this guy exists and knows he’s running as a Republican candidate. Ignoring him won’t make him disappear. Out him in public, let the public scorn him. Those that support his views aren’t watching CNN, anyway. They’re on Stormfront already and won’t be

I don’t know that the 1950s are the greatest example, though, of clear, informed communication from the government. That was an era of propaganda and intense pressure to conform.

I think my parents might have felt the same. It’s hard to think about our kids and that they may be making mistakes.

All the apocalypse movies look so much cooler than this.

Do you really want to know how much worse? I don’t.

My guess is that Trump’s parade wouldn’t have Daft Punk, though.

Yeah. Soldiers love having to alternate marching, standing at attention, and standing at parade rest for hours on end. It’s bad enough at something like a change of command ceremony. This horseshit would be brutal.

I, along with a lot of other people, signed up when I was young. At the time, I didn’t think enough about it. Unfortunately, having young people fight our wars has always been how it’s worked.

You did it wrong. You’re supposed to double down on your comment, then start attacking the character of the person who responded to you. Where do you think you are?

As a veteran I’m tired of all of it. I don’t even like Veteran’s Day. Give me Memorial Day. That’s a day that I can actually spend thinking about my friends that aren’t here anymore. That’s all I want.

First thing I thought of. Gross.

I’d buy a ticket.

That’s what I thought. It looks like he’s lecturing her about something and she’s just holding back waiting to slap the silly out of him.

Best friends.

I don’t doubt it.