
Mr2 Spyder. Next question. 

Sorry to hear this, he’s been one of the Brewers' best players in this series.

Come on DoD, it’s time to move to a cloud based license model. When you sell tanks, planes or AA artillery to a despot, use a license subscription model. Unless they keep the license up to date, we terminate their ability to use the equipment. Nothing splashy just a basic control circuit that renders the equipment

I don’t see anything limiting the number of driveways a property can have...

I am finding it admirably lazy that they seem to have just taken the prototypical GM interior and folded the page over.

Anyone else wishing Netflix would spend more on licensing and less on original content?

That Tourx needs to lose that black wheel arch cladding. Other than that, kudos to Buick to giving us a wagon.

This is tragic, but I’ve not yet seen: “why did she back into traffic and not look to see if anyone was bearing down on her?”

No. It should be Teen backs out of driveway into oncoming vehicle and dies.

Yeah, black folks make up only 18% of the population, but commit triple their number in crimes. But no, you racists don’t ever say a word about that.

Why would the city cover someone’s underwater loan? They owe for the damage they caused. Not the damage you caused yourself by taking out a bad loan.

As my mom often tells me, while it’s great that the value of your house in increasing, most people aren’t looking to buy and sell their house every year. They’d most likely rather pay lower property taxes in exchange for a slightly lower property value.

The best walls.

But, I thought the “girls car” segment was already covered by this:

Hate mail.

Or buy it refurbished for around 400 on robo3d’s website

Or buy it refurbished for around 400 on robo3d’s website