
Starting to think this president isn’t so good in the head.”

It is good to see HD attempt to join the present and dump it’s maga plans for a “clean coal” powered hog. Is it too little too late? 

Will work for self-flagellation

“7 million Americans who are 90 days or more behind on their auto loan payments.”

For some reason, I don’t believe anything he says? Why would I trust anything he suggests? 

“Welcome to Harvard, un no, I mean McDonalds, uh wait, welcome to public assistance, trumpkin.”

Cue the teleprompter. “We only need $900 trillion to build an intelligent underwater sea wall to keep us all safe from terrorists, rapists, and torpedos with syphilis from coming to our country. It’s a small price to pay, and Ivanka, Amerika’s princess, will design the uniforms for the new Safer Underwater Commando


Who would’ve guessed the GOP only respects and protects its own speech? The answer is easy, EVERYONE. 

“Same as it ever was.”


It’s another step in the GOP’s National Swamp to Cesspool Initiative. Done with D.C., the GOP is moving into its first reach on the national reservation. 

Keeping the feds out of work, how far does one have to drive to avoid being impeached, indicted, and arrested?

On the Trail of a Thesarus Gone Rogue

We use sardines. 

If backpack nukes don’t fall under the 2nd Amendment, then only criminals will have backpack nukes.”

Trump administration achieves its first goal in the GOP’s National Swamp to Cesspool Program. First, stack fresh feces in the national parks, and next shutdown all “liberal” sewage plants across the country. The GOP’s motto for the American tax payer, “Smell like trump; it is what you are worth.”