
So, a man who denied these brave souls a raise, who has zero honor, and who is not qualified to lick their boot has also jeopardized their lives for the sake of his stupidity and vanity? Coward is coward.

Is not all in the season?

Not mine, but it seem appropriate.

Now playing

There is a sucker born every minute.You just happen to come along at the right minute.” –P.T. Barnum and Tom Waits

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Wut? And all this time, I thought it was Old Greg? (Note: Sorry in advance. Normally I would be on tumblr at this time on Sunday night attempting to extend the evening, deluding myself about Monday morning work; but...)

It’s not a “body shame.” It’s more of a hygiene safety concern. Things are going to stick to his forehead after he disengages it from trump’s rump.

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Tea? How about a Cafe Mocha and a shot of bourbon with whip cream on top, of course.

Yes, but then you would probably read the US Constitution before you pledged on your honor to protect it. trump doesn’t read and has no honor. 


Is that with the maga plan, plus tariffs?

Corporation Personhood: Ethics? Morals? Hahahaha, we don’t need no stinking ethics. Now STFU and eat your gruel; it’s time to work, slave.

“Everything is trashier in Texas.”

“Cheat? That’s just how we roll.” Said the Wisconsin GOP, the party of failure. 

I also add a seasonal tip to the bartenders in my life that I often frequent. I am a regular at just a couple of places and the the service providers are always nice to me, and put up with any lite-drunken aberrations that may crop up. They help keep me sane throughout the entire year. I tip something that the whole

Around Chico, CA.(via:SF Chronicle.

How does one unify with racism, bigotry, misogyny, treason, ammo-sexuality, morons-in-charge, nazism, pedophilia, bestiality, murder, and terror bombing? Even the Emperor from the dark side of the Star Wars universe knows, “there can ever only be two.” One to lead, and one who is learning to kill the leader and take

If sayoc(of shite) is convicted, how long before trump’s GOP issues a pardon?